Cold & Flu

The cold and the flu (influenza) are common viral infections of the nose, throat, and upper respiratory tract. The common cold is easily self-treatable and not preventable, while influenza is somewhat preventable by vaccine and can become deadly if not treated. 

Cold symptoms are usually similar but milder than flu symptoms, and flu symptoms worsen much quicker. 

Visit the medical library to learn more about the common cold and influenza

Doctor Book an appointment with a general physician

How many people 3,000,000+ cases of the cold per year

Diagnosis Self-diagnosable in most cases

Clock Resolves within a few days or weeks

Understand the Basics

Can One Get Influenza Even After a Flu Vaccine?

Basic Understanding

Can One Get Influenza Even After a Flu Vaccine?

Influenza is an infectious respiratory disease that is caused by influenza viruses. Cases of influenza are a common occurrence every year, especially during the flu season. The best way to avoid catching the flu is by getting an annual flu shot. The flu can spread from one person to another. For this reason, early treatment and precautions can save you and your loved ones from its adverse effects.

Cold Vs. Flu: Can You Tell the Difference?

Basic Understanding

Cold Vs. Flu: Can You Tell the Difference?

It is really difficult to determine if you have a cold or the flu. Both conditions have the same symptoms, but compared to a common cold, the flu tends to be more severe. Moreover, the flu can sprout a multitude of complications, especially in children, the elderly, pregnant women, and immunocompromised individuals. Only a doctor can really tell if you have a cold or the flu after conducting a rapid test on your throat.

How Can I Tell the Difference Between the Flu and a Cold?

Basic Understanding

How Can I Tell the Difference Between the Flu and a Cold?

Sometimes the symptoms of illnesses can blend together, making it difficult to tell what you have. Read this article to learn about how you can tell the difference between the flu and a cold so that you can seek treatments accordingly.

Understand Causes

How Does the Flu Spread?


How Does the Flu Spread?

Read this article to figure out how you can contract the flu, and how it spreads.

The Single Best Way to Avoid the Flu


The Single Best Way to Avoid the Flu

The most efficient way to protect yourself from the flu is by taking the flu shot! Anyone can take the flu vaccine, except for babies under 6-months-old and an individual who may be allergic to one, or many, of the ingredients used in the vaccine. It is best to take your flu vaccination in the beginning of the flu season, to receive the best protection.

Flu: Symptoms and Treatment


Flu: Symptoms and Treatment

Although the symptoms of the flu are more severe, both the flu and the cold have similar traits. Your doctor may prescribe you anti-virals to shorten the duration of the disease.

Understand Treatment

The Common Cold: Symptoms and Management


The Common Cold: Symptoms and Management

A common cold is caused by viruses and therefore does not need any antibiotics. It will resolve on its own within a few days. However, if your cold has been persisting for more than two weeks or if you had a continuous fever, visit your physician for further assessment.

A common cold can be eased with the use of nasal decongestants, anti-histamines, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or Acetaminophen.

Are There Supplements to Protect Your Health During Flu Season?


Are There Supplements to Protect Your Health During Flu Season?

More and more studies have revealed that supplements, such as vitamin C, can help prevent viral infections, like a cold or the flu. Learn more about the supplements that will help protect your health during flu season.