Cold & Flu
The cold and the flu (influenza) are common viral infections of the nose, throat, and upper respiratory tract. The common cold is easily self-treatable and not preventable, while influenza is somewhat preventable by vaccine and can become deadly if not treated.
Cold symptoms are usually similar but milder than flu symptoms, and flu symptoms worsen much quicker.
Visit the medical library to learn more about the common cold and influenza
Book an appointment with a general physician
3,000,000+ cases of the cold per year
Self-diagnosable in most cases
Resolves within a few days or weeks
Understand the Basics
Basic Understanding
Can One Get Influenza Even After a Flu Vaccine?
Basic Understanding
Cold Vs. Flu: Can You Tell the Difference?
Basic Understanding
How Can I Tell the Difference Between the Flu and a Cold?
Understand Causes
How Does the Flu Spread?
The Single Best Way to Avoid the Flu
Flu: Symptoms and Treatment
Understand Treatment
12 Hour Cold Maximum Strength
The Common Cold: Symptoms and Management
A common cold can be eased with the use of nasal decongestants, anti-histamines, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or Acetaminophen.