Strep Throat
Strep throat is a very common bacterial infection, characterized by a scratchy, sore throat. Unlike a normal sore throat, strep throat requires antibiotics to reduce complications of the kidneys or heart.
Strep throat most commonly affects those aged 6 through 18, and it is very contagious. It is an airborne virus that can also spread through saliva.
Visit our medical library to learn more about strep throat
Make an appointment with a general practitioner
Over 3,000,000 cases in the US every year
Is not self-diagnosable
Treatment is required
Understand the basics
Basic understanding
Strep Throat: How Does it Affect My Child?
Basic understanding
Is Strep Throat Contagious?
Basic understanding
What Is Strep Throat?
Understand symptoms
The Signs of Strep Throat
Is it Strep Throat?
Do I Have Strep Throat?
Understand treatment
Holistic Treatments for Strep Throat
5 Tips on Living with Strep Throat