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Swai Fish Facts and Recipe

Swai Fish Facts and Recipe

Fish has become a very important part of the daily diet of the people around the world and swai fish has presented itself as an inexpensive and readily available option liked by many people. However, before you start adding this fish to your diet, it is important to know where it comes from and some of the potential side effects posed by this imported fish.

What Is Swai Fish?

Swai fish is actually the common name of the iridescent shark, a type of catfish that is native to Southeast Asia. Bearing the scientific name Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, this fish is widely cultivated in that region of the world, and exported to the United States. Swai is a white-flesh fish, with a flaky texture that makes it ideal for broiling, grilling or frying. The flavor is also quite mild, making it a popular option for those who don’t want their fish to taste too briny. In the United States and elsewhere, swai fish is often marketed as a river-farmed catfish, but that name can be misleading. Much of the swai fish that is exported to other countries is bred in fish farms in Vietnam and other areas of Southeast Asia, with low levels of regulation and health standards, which is why most experts do not recommend eating swai fish.


1. Great source of protein

Just like other fish types, swai is also known for being an extremely good source of protein. Therefore, people who are on high protein diets may want to consider swai fish as another food that can add variety of their diet regimen or program. Because swai fish is so high in these nutrients, people who consume it usually get as much as 30% percent of their daily requirement in only one serving. With this kind of protein, people will also feel fuller faster so they will automatically eat less as well as consume a lower number of calories. So, it is not only good for getting the protein for the body, it is a great way to lose more weight.

2. Heart healthy

Based on information pulled out from a recent study, this fish is exceptionally rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. In fact, approximately one half of the calories in this fish come from fat. However, this fat content is healthy and not bad. Meaning it helps to promote good heart health instead of inhibiting it. So, for those who decide to eat swai fish on a regular basis, they may find that they can take advantage of a number of its great health benefits. For example, the nutrients in this fish will help to keep the blood flowing freely, while also preventing blood clots in the body from forming. As a result, it will lessen the chances and risks of strokes and major heart attacks.

Is swai good for you? The answer to this question can vary based on several different factors. In general, this type of fish offers several great healthy benefits since it contains a great source of omega 3 fatty acids, high in protein and is good for the heart. However, before people add swai to their diet regimens, it is important for them to know where this fish source is coming from. Specifically, when swai is being massed produced in the U.S. or abroad.