Women's Health

10 Breast Cancer Events Across the United States that Fight for a Cure

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10 Breast Cancer Events Across the United States that Fight for a Cure

The rallying cry to find a cure for breast cancer has been heard loud and clear across America for several years now. From major corporations getting on board with marketing campaigns designed to raise awareness, to the establishment of October as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, there are all kinds of ways that people have joined the fight. One of the most common avenues for participating in the fight against breast cancer is through a walk or run. There are scores of walks and runs held annually around the country that rally support and raise money for further research towards a cure. But walks aren’t the only way to get involved. We’ve compiled a list of ten different events that help communities do their part. From tried-and-true methods like a race for the cure, to more creative or quirky initiatives, we think that everyone will be inspired to get involved.

There has been a great demand to find the best treatment possible to cure breast cancer. This rallying cry has been going around in America for several years now. Many large corporations are taking steps to raise awareness, and so October has been declared National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There have been a number of walks and runs held to spread awareness of breast cancer, but these are not all the available options, and they are not the only organizations involved. Below are a few of the cancer events held across the U.S for the fight to cure breast cancer:

  1. Standup for the Cure: This event is held in Muskegon, Michigan during the summers. In this event, participants paddleboard their way around Lake Michigan. The event is carried out for the sole purpose of raising awareness as well as money for the fight against breast cancer.
  2. Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure: This organization was named after Susan Goodman Komen and was started by Komen’s sister. Komen died due to breast cancer at the age of 36. The main goal of this foundation is to raise awareness in the hopes that the disease can be diagnosed much earlier and therefore treatment can also be carried out sooner and with a higher chance of success.
  3. Making Strides Against Breast Cancer: This organization sponsors a lot of events in various locations across the country. The organization is actually an arm of the American Cancer Society and has been involved in the fight since 1913.
  4. Party in Pink: This event is sponsored by Zumba and is a fun alternative for those who are bored with walks and runs. It is a global movement and is not just a onetime thing. The event resembles a huge party, and it all involves donations and purchasing merchandise for breast cancer awareness.
  5. Avon 39: This is a two-day, 39.3-mile walking event wherein participants have to suit up and join up with the community, which involves other walkers as well, for the next 48 hours. The event is not for just anyone, though; an individual has to be in performance-ready condition. The funds from this event are used for local screenings and treatment for breast cancer.
  6. Hot Pink Fun Run: This event is sponsored by the Placer Breast Cancer Foundation. It was started in 2014 to aid in the fight against cancer. An individual can physically participate as well as offer to sponsor someone.
  7. D’Feet Breast Cancer: This event was founded in 2000 and was created to raise awareness about the symptoms of breast cancer in women. The event features both a 5K walk and a 10K run and is family-friendly.
  8. Every Boob Counts: This is a South Florida-based organization that helps promote the early detection of breast cancer. They organize runs for both men and women.
  9. The Tour de Pink: This is a three-day bike run that totals two hundred miles, and its sole purpose is to dedicate the money raised towards the fight against breast cancer.
  10. Indy SurviveOars: They are considered to be Indiana’s only breast cancer awareness dragon boat race team. This organization was founded in 2007.