Women's Health

Beating Ovarian Cancer Twice: Narell's Story

The diagnosis led Narell to find love in an unlikely place

Fortunately, despite a somber situation, she was able to address the cancer and fight against what would have been a horrible surprise fate. Not only that, but it turned out to be a bit of a blessing in disguise, as the situation was responsible for her meeting the love of her life.

Narell looks back fondly, "I went in; I had the radical hysterectomy and five weeks after that I met my husband. I wasn't looking for anything - it just happened. They didn't have a cancer center in Nowra, so I had to travel to a Wollongong hospital, which is an hour and a bit each way, every single day for radiation. And he had a house up there, and I stayed there when I wasn't feeling well. It was a big love story that I probably wouldn't have gotten into, except I thought, 'Well, you're probably going to die, so let's do the opposite of what you've always done and go on a date with this guy.' And we got engaged a week after that! We went on a date on Friday night, and I went back on the Monday night and never left. It was the opposite of everything I've ever done."