Bruce Daniel MD
Radiologist | Diagnostic Radiology
300 Pasteur Dr Stanford CA, 94305About
Dr. Bruce Daniel is a radiologist practicing in Stanford, CA. Dr. Daniel specializes in diagnosing and treating injuries and diseases using medical imaging techniques such as X-Rays, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography exams. These techniques offer accurate visibility to the inside of the patients body and help to detect otherwise hidden illnesses so that they can be treated quickly and efficiently.
Education and Training
Wayne State Univ Sch of Med, Detroit Mi 1992
Board Certification
RadiologyAmerican Board of RadiologyABR
Provider Details
- 2001 Finalist, Young Investigator Competition [Advisor to first author Jana
- 2008 Lauterber Award in MR, Society of Computed Body Tomography and Magnet
- 2004 Second Place Poster Awarded [Contributing Author], 5th Interventional
- 2002 Winner of best paper award (North America) [Contributing Author], ESU
- Society of Computed Body Tomography and Magnetic Resonance 2002 Elected Fellow
- 2000 Moncada Award for an Outstanding Scientific Paper on Cross Sectional
- 1999 Picker/AUR Faculty Development Program Recipient
- 1998 Gary Becker Award for Outstanding Interventional Radiology Paper
- 1996 Cum Laude Award for an Outstanding Scientific Paper on Cross Sectiona
- Stanford University Department of Radiology 1995-1997 Recipient of National Cancer Institute Cancer Imaging Training Grant
- University of Michigan Medical Center Department of Radiology 1994-1995 Outstanding Scientific Paper by a House Officer
- 1985 Howard Stabler prize for honors thesis in Physics, Williams College
- 1984 Phi Beta Kappa, Williams College
- Stanford University School of Medicine CA 1997
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGSubject-specific models of susceptibility-induced B0 field variations in breast MRI2013
- BREAST JOURLMRI Enhancement Correlates With High Grade Desmoid Tumor of Breast2012
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGToward MR-guided high intensity focused ultrasound for presurgical localization2012
- JOURL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED TOMOGRAPHYIntravagil Gel for Staging of Female Pelvic Cancers-Prelimiry Report of Safety, Distention2012
- Magnetic resonce in medicine : official jourl of the Society of MagnetLocation constrained approximate message passing for compressed sensing MRI.0
- JOURL OF VASCULAR AND INTERVENTIOL RADIOLOGYMR Imaging-guided Cryoablation for the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia2011
- MAGNETIC RESONCE IN MEDICINECustom-Fitted 16-Channel Bilateral Breast Coil for Bidirectiol Parallel Imaging2011
- IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGINGMR Water Quantitative Priors Improves the Accuracy of Optical Breast Imaging2011
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGDetecting Blood Oxygen Level-Dependent (BOLD) Contrast in the Breast2010
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGFreehand MRI-Guided Preoperative Needle Localization of Breast Lesions After MRI-Guided2010
- JOURL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICSInspired gas-induced vascular change in tumors with magnetic-resonce-guided near-infrared imaging2010
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGConsistency of Sigl Intensity and T2*in Frozen Ex Vivo Heart Muscle, Kidney, and Liver Tissue2010
- MAGNETIC RESONCE IN MEDICINEIndependent Slab-Phase Modulation Combined With Parallel Imaging in Bilateral Breast MRI2009
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGING3.0-T MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound for Preoperative Localization of Nonpalpable Breast Lesions2009
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGMRI-Guided Cryoablation: In Vivo Assessment of Focal Canine Prostate Cryolesions2009
- AMERICAN JOURL OF ROENTGENOLOGYMR Voiding Cystography for Evaluation of Vesicoureteral Reflux2009
- MAGNETIC RESONCE IN MEDICINEImproved Half RF Slice Selectivity in the Presence of Eddy Currents with Out-of-Slice Saturation2009
- MAGNETIC RESONCE IN MEDICINEDouble Half RF Pulses for Reduced Sensitivity to Eddy Currents in UTE Imaging2009
- JOURL OF VASCULAR AND INTERVENTIOL RADIOLOGYMR Imaging-guided Percutaneous Cryoablation of the Prostate in an Animal Model2009
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGAccelerated Bilateral Dymic Contrast-Enhanced 3D Spiral Breast MRI Using TSENSE2008
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGImproved slice selection for R2*mapping during cryoablation with eddy current compensation2008
- MAGNETIC RESONCE IN MEDICINEMonitoring prostate thermal therapy with diffusion-weighted MRI2008
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGReduction of truncation artifacts in rapid 3D articular cartilage imaging2008
- BREAST JOURLMagnetic resonce galactography2008
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGMRI-guided radiofrequency ablation of breast cancer: Prelimiry clinical experience2008
- BREAST JOURLDuctal pattern enhancement on magnetic resonce imaging of the breast due to ductal lavage2007
- MAGNETIC RESONCE IN MEDICINEIndependent phase modulation for efficient dual-band 3D imaging2007
- CLINICAL BREAST CANCERResolution of hypoalbuminemia after excision of malignt phyllodes tumor2006
- EUROPEAN RADIOLOGYMRI-guided needle localization of suspicious breast lesions: results of a freehand technique2006
- JAMA-JOURL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONCost-effectiveness of screening BRCA1/2 mutation carriers with breast magnetic resonce imaging2006
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGIn vivo porcine liver radiofrequency ablation with simultaneous MR temperature imaging2006
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGInvestigation of proton density for measuring tissue temperature2006
- Eur RadiolNew Aspects on Pulse Sequence Design for Breast MRI.2006
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGRelaxation times of breast tissue at 1.5T and 3T measured using IDEAL2006
- Magn Reson ImagingWater-selective spectral2006
- RADIOLOGYThe lactating breast: Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging of normal tissue and cancer2005
- AMERICAN JOURL OF SURGERYPathologic correlates of false positive breast magnetic resonce imaging findings2005
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGContrast-enhanced MRI of ductal carcinoma in situ2005
- HEALTH EXPECTATIONSOpinions of women with high inherited breast cancer risk about prophylactic mastectomy2005
- ACADEMIC RADIOLOGYTruly hybrid x-ray/MR imaging: Toward a streamlined clinical system2005
- ACADEMIC RADIOLOGYIn vivo MR thermometry of frozen tissue using R2* and sigl intensity2005
- INVESTIGATIVE RADIOLOGYMagnetic resonce imaging characteristics of fibrocystic change of the breast2005
- MAGNETIC RESONCE IN MEDICINEX-ray compatible radiofrequency coil for magnetic resonce imaging2005
- MAGNETIC RESONCE IN MEDICINEIn vivo prostate magnetic resonce spectroscopic imaging using two-dimensiol J-resolved PRESS at 3 T2005
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGAn MRI-compatible semiautomated vacuum assisted breast biopsy system: Initial feasibility study2005
- JOURL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONSRates of reexcision for breast cancer after magnetic resonce imaging2005
- AMERICAN JOURL OF ROENTGENOLOGYIn vivo sonography through an open MRI breast coil to correlate sonographic and MRI findings2005
- JOURL OF VASCULAR AND INTERVENTIOL RADIOLOGYMR-guided transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt creation with use of a hybrid radiography2005
- Magn Reson Imaging Clin N AmMR-guided interventions of the breast.2005
- AJR Am J RoentgenolMRI features of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma in the breast.2005
- Med PhysMRI-guided interstitial ultrasound thermal therapy of the prostate2005
- MEDICAL PHYSICSMapping of the prostate in endorectal coil-based MRI2004
- breast jourlMagnetic resonce imaging of suspicious breast masses seen on one mammographic view.2004
- MAGNETIC RESONCE IN MEDICINEReferenceless PRF shift thermometry2004
- CANCERBreast magnetic resonce image screening2004
- Phys Med BiolHighly directiol transurethral ultrasound applicators with rotatiol control for MRI2004
- MAGNETIC RESONCE IN MEDICINETriggered, vigated, multi2003
- ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICAFirst use of a truly-hybrid X-ray/MR imaging system for guidance of brain biopsy2003
- MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGMagnetic resonce imaging of intraductal papilloma of the breast2003
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGDiffusion-weighted MRI after cryosurgery of the canine prostate2003
- Int J Radiat Oncol Biol PhysUtility of 3-tesla MRSI for guiding prostate IMRT.2003
- AJR Am J RoentgenolMRI imaging features of infiltrating lobular carcinoma of the breast2002
- ACADEMIC RADIOLOGYTruly hybrid interventiol MR/x-ray system: Investigation of in vivo applications2001
- MAGNETIC RESONCE IN MEDICINETemperature mapping of frozen tissue using eddy current compensated half excitation RF pulses2001
- Daniel, B. L., Birdwell, R. L., Butts, K., Nowels, K. W., Ikeda, D. M.Freehand iMRI-guided large-gauge core needle biopsy2001
- Magnetic resonce imaging clinics of North AmericaPotential role of magnetic resonce imaging2001
- Fahrig, R., Butts, K., Rowlands, J. A., Saunders, R., Stanton, J., SteA truly hybrid interventiol MR/X-ray system: Feasibility demonstration2001
- RADIOGRAPHICSIntensity-modulated parametric mapping for simultaneous display of rapid dymic2001
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGTemperature quantitation and mapping of frozen tissue2001
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGMagnetic resonce imaging of breast cancer: Clinical indications and breast MRI reporting system2000
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGSingle-shot fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) magnetic resonce imaging of the bladder2000
- Topics in magnetic resonce imagingIntraprocedural magnetic resonce imaging-guided interventions in the breast.2000
- MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGThe use of view angle tilting to reduce distortions in magnetic resonce imaging of cryosurgery2000
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGCharacterization of breast lesion morphology with delayed 3DSSMT: An adjunct to dymic breast MRI2000
- Semin Breast DisPotential Role of Magnetic Resonce Imaging2000
- J Magn Reson ImagingDymic breast MRI with spiral trajectories: 3D versus 2D.2000
- Jourl of Women's ImagingContrast-enhanced Magnetic Resonce Imaging of Breast Cancer.2000
- Schmidt, A. J., Kee, S. T., Sze, D. Y., Daniel, B. L., Razavi, M. K., Diagnostic yield of MR-guided liver biopsies compared with CT- and US-guided liver biopsies1999
- ARCHIVES OF SURGERYRadiofrequency ablation of breast cancer - First report of an emerging technology1999
- RADIOLOGYGlenohumeral relationships during physiologic shoulder motion and stress testing1999
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGJoint motion in an open MR unit using MR tracking1999
- JOURL OF VASCULAR AND INTERVENTIOL RADIOLOGYMR-guided transjugular portosystemic shunt placement in a swine model1999
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGMagement of biopsy needle artifacts: Techniques for RF-refocused MRI1999
- MAGNETIC RESONCE IN MEDICINEMagnetic resonce imaging of frozen tissues1999
- New England jourl of medicineImages in clinical medicine. Mammographically occult breast cancer.1999
- JOURL OF MAGNETIC RESONCE IMAGINGDifferentiation of hepatic maligncies from hemangiomas and cysts by T2 relaxation times1999
- RadiologyGlenohumeral relationships during physiological shoulder motion1999
- RS EJ (http://ej.rs.org/ej3/0109-99.fin/index.html)Real-time interactive MRI on an open MRI system.1999
- RADIOLOGYBreast disease: Dymic spiral MR imaging1998
- JOURL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED TOMOGRAPHYDetection of colonic polyps in a phantom model1998
- RADIOLOGYBreast lesion localization: A freehand, interactive MR imaging-guided technique1998
- RADIOLOGYBreast cancer: Gadolinium1998
- RadiographicsThree-dimensiol shaded-surface rendering of MR images of the breast: technique, applications1998
- ACADEMIC RADIOLOGYInteractive MR-guided, 14-gauge core-needle biopsy of enhancing lesions in a breast phantom model1997
- Sigl ProcessingImage quality in lossy compressed digital mammograms.1997
- J Comput Assist TomogrDo arterial phase helical CT images improve detection or characterization of colorectal liver1997
- Am J Trop Med HygImmunity and morbidity in schistosomiasis japonicum infection.1996
- Acad RadiolThe hemodymics of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts1996
- J Infect DisSchistosomiasis japonica in the Philippines1996
- Invest RadiolThe use of ultrasound mean acoustic attenuation to quantify bone1994
- Clin Nuc MedBone scintigraphy in blastomycotic osteomyelitis.1993
- Med Decis MakingGraphic representation of numerically calculated predictive values1993
- Am J Trop Med HygChild growth and schistosomiasis japonica in northeastern Leyte, the Philippines1992
Experience & Accolades
- MemberBreast Cancer Disease Management Group
- Member2006 - 2014 Chief, Breast MRI Service, Stanford
- Member2007 - 2014 Stanford Cancer Center
- Member2010 - 2014 Genito-Urinary Tumor Board, Stanford
- Member1997 - 2014 Gastrointestinal Oncology Tumor Board, Stanford
Bruce Daniel MD's Practice location
Practice At 300 Pasteur Dr
300 Pasteur Dr -Stanford, CA 94305Get Direction
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