Pamela A M Mills
Physiatrist (Physical Medicine) | Sports Medicine
2094 Aquetong Road New Hope Pennsylvania, 18938About
Specializes in Holistic/Medical Care of Lower Limb Pathologies and the Pediatric Lower Limb Studied for Over 35 Years with Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh University, and Royal Homeopathic Hospital in London, UK. Currently Retired from Clinical Practice
Pamela A M Mills's Videos
Education and Training
Queen Margaret college Univesity Edinburgh university Glasgow Royal infirmary aberdeen Royal infirmary
Board Certification
Certified in Canada UK
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Pamela A M Mills's Expert Contributions
Is physical therapy good for hospice patients?
Of course. Where there is life there is hope. Please do not allow the word hospice to feel it’s over. It is not. Do everything you can to comfort and love the person to have all hope and love on ongoing care. Continue always With much love and encouragement for you to continue. READ MORE
Upper hip pain left side?
Firstly. I am so very very sorry about your grandchild and that in itself is stressful, which of course makes things much worse and difficult as any stress interferes with healing. There are a number of problems that might have triggered this episode you are experiencing. Taking all the extra ibuprofen is not good for you and it appears it’s not helping as much anymore. I have not examined you obviously and it would be remiss of me to advise you to try other modalities .however putting a pillow between your knees if you sleep on your side propping pillows under your hip can also alleviate stress on the spine which also helps realign your hip whilst in bed. You never said how long you are to be away from your home? My suggestion is you get a recommended Physiatrist in the area and try a nerve block or something similar. You need spinal intervention which could be a form of an injection that might greatly give you pain relief. Have you had an MRI recently? I would also advise you to get one when you are back home to get a base study in the event there is further deterioration. You are still a young lady. The fact that this seems to have started after your travels may be as simple as the mattress in the bed. I am a great believer in stretches and there are a number of yoga/pilates that help but I would prefer you saw an experienced medical specialist. Or you could see a sports specialist, I say sports as they usually have more training. Given the fact you walked your dog for an hour without problems suggests to me it may well be the bed you are sleeping on and the travel. In other words positional and lack of support from the mattress. Sittin /lying in the same position for an extended period of time can cause all sorts of twists in the body. Good luck with everything and I hope your grandchild makes an excellent recovery. Sending good energy. READ MORE
Can a bone bruise hide a tear in your knee?
Meniscus tears can be very painful. I am unsure which doctor you have been examined by, but you need to see an orthopedic surgeon. You are too young to be so debilitated and this can be fixed through surgery which, with an excellent orthopedic surgeon, has fabulous results so you can get on with your life pain free. Standing with any knee injury can be very painful, but you need this repaired. I hope this helps. Dr. Mills READ MORE
Will Advil interact negatively with Flexeril?
There should be no problem, but you ought not to be taking these medications all. Medications have side effects, some more than others. The first thing is a proper diagnosis as to why you have back pain see a physiatrist or sports med doctor to give you a proper examination from there a range of movements, etc., can ascertain where the problem is coming from. It can be you pulled a muscle. Short-term over-the-counter meds can be helpful I emphasize short-term. I am not an advocate of chemicals and you are very young use topical cream to alleviate pain. Stretches Physio. But get a proper diagnosis. Too many people are on drugs. Try not to take many. I always remember my wonderful Professor of Medicine. “The body will heal itself if given the correct environment." I, of course, am not wanting you to be in pain and let’s be sensible, just get a correct diagnosis. Treatment can be more effective. Hope this helps. READ MORE
Will a physiatry follow up tell my friend more about his stroke?
I am very sorry to hear about your friend. Firstly, let me explain: In medicine, doctors after they qualify go into specialized training. Some go into family medicine. Some into surgery and all sorts. A physiatrist is just the same individuals who want to specialize in non surgical techniques. So, yes, they absolutely can help your friend. They are the experts in getting the body back to a wellness level. Take myself: I have back problems, years of time in the operating room, etc. Without physiatrist help, I would probably be in a wheelchair. Give it a try. You have nothing to lose, but getting better. Hope this is of value. Sending good healing xx READ MORE
How does one treat a pulled neck muscle?
Firstly, he is a child. Good healing and hopefully it’s nothing serious. Have you had him checked out by a sports medicine doctor or physiatrist? Please make sure he gets a proper diagnosis. So, if it is only a strained muscle, the good news is he will heal quickly, ice massage even a neck brace will help, but this is only temporary. Physio stretches, etc. He is very young, but still err on the cautious side. Have him checked, then a more complete plan may be implemented. I personally do not give children chemical medicine. I prefer natural medicine. There are lots on the market. A cream I use is holistic and can be massaged into the area. I like blue by doterra. I have no affiliations with the company. I happen to use the cream and other oils with great success. I use this on myself and swear by it. It can be used on a child. Only natural ingredients. READ MORE
How can I exercise without harming my heart?
It is important you go on a proper rehab exercise plan. Best thing to do is have your cardiologist refer you to the rehab cardiac center. Take care of yourself and your heart. You only have one. READ MORE
What can I do about chronic neck pain?
Poor you. It’s very painful. Probably due to your job it sounds as if it is repetitive strain syndrome in other words your posture ,your job , is contributing to your discomfort. Please have a proper examination to ascertain this is indeed the problem and nothing else such as arthritic changes cervical changes etcetc. A Physciatrist is a good start who will get an accurate diagnosis. From there treatment may be anti inflammatory medication nerve block physiotherapy neck brace. In the meantime check when the pain is worse. Night time. How are you sleeping is it worse in the am. ? How is it during the day. ? Is always very painful ? is it worse after working ? or during working is there a time it feels better ? .how are you sleeping it’s a good idea to try and immobilize your neck giving it a rest. You can get a cervical collar. This is used to rest the muscles not as a crutch. Do get your neck checked out. You are young and recovery ought to be excellent. Many people as I say are google drs. They self treat without understanding the underlying problem. Don’t do that. You can use heat and ice alternatively if you have inflammation. I hope this helps please be sensible. READ MORE
Is it ok to work out if I am still sore from an injury?
Hamstrings are quite painful. Pain is the key as to how much you can exercise. The body tells you how much you can do. It’s not normal to have pain, so if it’s still hurting, it’s a signal the hamstring is not yet healed. Please don’t be foolish. If you are hurting, stop making it worse and find something else to do until healing has completed. Upper body exercises are just as good a work out. You can make things worse and then it will take much longer to get back to your normal routine. Listen to your body. If you continue to have pain as you describe after around 4/8 /12 weeks, you probably should be seen by a sports doctor or physiatrist to check range of motion, etc. Good luck. READ MORE
Why does my knee hurt when it's cold or when I sit?
It is quite a known fact knees are like barometers. Patients can tell if the weather changes due to a change in the temp in the knee circulation (nerve endings). So, you can indeed experience pain in the knee joint. You know this, so make sure you keep your knee warm, such as with a neoprene knee brace or warm leggings. If you are a man, wear long johns. Sitting for prolonged time also can affect the circulation. Make sure you are walking/stretching every 5-10 minutes in the hour. You may have some arthritis, so it’s best to see a sports doctor or physiatrist for a complete examination of the range of motion of your knee joint. Just make sure, if it’s cold, be sensible and keep your knees warm. Even warming up a small hand towel in the microwave and wrapping it around your knees increases the circulation. You can also get wraps which you can put in the microwave. Just keep your knees warm. Don’t suffer. Be sensible. READ MORE
Treatment options for spinal stenosis?
Oh poor chap. This condition can be quite debilitating and frightening. Pain is the worst symptom ,but with proper physiotherapy pain medications and keeping as active as possible is the key to managing this condition. New research is happening every day with new techniques in treatment. I would have him seen by a physciatrist to get on a pain medication schedule. This may be epidural with lidocaine for pain relief. Of course other medications. May also be used. In today’s medical world there is a lot that is being done to control,pain .its the pain that prevents patients moving forward. So getting a full examination by a physciatrist to ascertain level of mobility. Then on a program to maintain physical movement. Physiotherapy is helpful ,but have a proper head to toe examination and into a pain management program. Sometimes surgery is recommended, but this is a last resort and it does not always make things better. There really to date is no known cure. just management, pain being number one. Some patients find meditating helps and just more recently stem cell therapy. I hope this helps please feel free to get back in touch. Good luck READ MORE
Is it bad when my heart rate increases when I exercise?
The basic way to calculate your maximum heart rate is to subtract your age from 220. So, if you are aged 45 (just an example), 45 from 220 = 175. This would be the maximum number of times your heart should beat per minute during exercise. If it is more than that, you should see a cardiologist. In fact, it’s a good idea anyway to be seen by a cardiologist. I have no knowledge of your age. Your heart rate does increase on exercise normally, but using my simple calculations, it will give you an idea. Do take care. READ MORE
How can physical therapy benefit my son?
It’s unfortunate I do not know your son's age. Children develop at different stages in growth and development. Physical therapy will help, but you ought to have him checked out by his pediatrician. It may be he is just a slow developer, or he may have some underlying problem (i.e., hips, legs, and feet). Does he have an in-toeing walk? In other words, is he pigeon-toed? Have you noticed him limping? Does he play, running, jumping, etc.? Children do not usually complain; if there is a problem, you must be observant. If you can take a video with your phone, it will help the doctor. So, have him run around and watch him walking. Before doing anything else, please have him checked out thoroughly. It is imperative you get this checked now. Good luck. READ MORE
What is a "gait analysis"?
It’s a very important examination watching a person walk (gait ). Tells a lot to the expert eye. It shows all sorts of discrepancies such as hip mal alignment back torsions. You would be amazed how much you can learn from the way people walk. I constantly diagnose people when I am out. I can tell if they have scoliosis if they have hip mal alignment knock knees pigeon toed knee problems. Neck problems. Don’t forget this is how we are trained. Gait analysis has become very sophisticated and measurements are taken to help in diagnosis. For example, one leg may be longer than the other. This can put your hip out. Many measurements are computerized. It is a fascinating study of the body for drs who are going into the study of functional anatomy. Many are gait analysis specialists. This all they do. I can tell by the heel wear in ones shoe how your foot strikes the ground. Ground reaction forces come up from the ground first point of contact is your foot if your foot is not stable to absorb the shock of these forces they radiate up the body to the knee the hip and back. Even the jaw. A great number of patients who have knee ,hip ,back problems even jaw problems can be traced to unstable feet when walking. Like I say fascinating. One of my colleagues in Edinburgh was treating a patient with knee problems. The patient was also seeing the orthodontist for jaw problems. When the patients feet were stabilized. The jaw problem was solved I know difficult to believe. But remember the body is all connected. Hope this helps . READ MORE
What's the difference between a physiatrist and physical therapist?
A physciatrist is a medical doctor. You have to also complete a further 4 year residency after one's medical degree. It’s an Intensive study . Physical therapists or physiotherapist are not medical drs. They work alongside medical drs also. Many are in private practice. I always suggest you get examined by a physciatrist first to establish proper diagnosis and then appropriate treatment plan. Physciatrists also can do much more re pain relief nerve blocks injections. I hope this helps. They are the experts in rehabilitation of the whole body. I was always taught by an old professor of medicine. The body will heel itself if you give it the right environment. Also with the help of the right Practitioner. READ MORE
What else can I do to help my son's muscular dystrophy?
I am very sorry to hear that. You do not mention your son's age and this disease progresses at different stages. I am sure you know it’s genetic, so therefore getting family members tested pre-pregnancy is important. Apologies, as you are probably aware of this. The good news is that life expectancy is getting better and there are new methods of research. All very positive. I am very up to date in this disease as I have looked after lots of children with a team of my respected colleagues. Absolutely, the child needs therapy. It’s important to have this every day. In fact, the physio can show you the exercises to be carried out at home also. I find water therapy the best. You have to have a support team around you, and at different stages of the disease, you will need different specialists. This is how I would help you, but do remember this is my way. You may have these people in your child’s life already, so again, forgive me. You need to have a pediatric neurologist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, orthopedic physician, clinical nurse specialist, psychiatrist/psychologist, dietician, care coordinator, social worker, and genetic counselor. At later stages, a pulmonologist and a cardiologist. This is the team I work with to improve the quality of life in a child. It is imperative that you surround yourself with the best. You may, if not already, get referred to a social worker to get things in place. You will probably require adjustments to the home, etc. You must get all this in place. In Edinburgh, where I trained, we all work as a team in the children’s hospital to make life easier for the parents and the child. I also would encourage you to get in touch with a group of like-minded parents and join in the research of this disease. Though it’s rare affecting boys more than girls, there are substantial amounts of parents who you should get in touch with to help support you also. I wish you all blessings for the future and it will be bright. I have had some of my children go on to be married and have degreed education. READ MORE
What can I do for my chronic pain?
Chronic pain, nothing worse. There are a million and one conditions that can cause chronic pain. Firstly, you have to have a head-to-toe examination. My advice is to see a physiatrist. Secondly, pills only mask the problem. Physical therapy helps keep joints well, but in chronic pain patients, I find they are not inclined to do any exercise due to the pain and lack of energy. Water therapy is the best for you, even getting into a warm bath with epsom salts and doing some leg lifts and arm movements help. With chronic pain, it can be a form of fibromyalgia. Relaxation therapy, yoga, meditation, all can help, but you need a definitive diagnosis. I wish I could help you more, but please have a consultation with a physiatrist. READ MORE
Can musculoskeletal cancers benefit from physical medicine?
Physiatrist is the other name for physical medicine. They most certainly can treat any patient effectively to alleviate suffering. It is a branch of highly trained physicians who undergo a vigorous 4 years post-graduate residency in this fabulous medical field. They do not do surgery, instead working with the body to heal with some help, of course, from medications, etc. More a holistic healing, but of course using state of the art equipment to alleviate pain. Your friend will do well with the help of these colleagues. Undergoing chemotherapy is debilitating in itself. I wish nothing but love and healing. READ MORE
Do I need lifelong physiotherapy for sciatica?
My golly. No, not lifelong. I hope not. First, you have to find out the diagnosis. What is causing sciatic pain? I would go to a physiatrist to have a head-to-toe examination find out the cause and the treatment is simple. Absolutely you will not need lifelong physio. It can be alleviated if you find out the underlying problem. I have treated lots of patients and it can be caused by lots of things. Bad posture, the way you sit, your work maybe, back problems, hip problems, even jaw problems. Something is pressing on your sciatic nerve. Find out the cause. All will be well. READ MORE
Can physical therapy help my mom?
It’s abnormal after surgery to have limited mobility, etc. I would go to a physiatrist to have an examination and then a treatment plan. Physio is good for her to get the correct exercises, but getting a medical doctor to make sure all is okay post-surgery. I hope this helps. READ MORE
Areas of expertise and specialization
- Woman of the year 2012
- lower limb
Articles and Publications
Regular Columnist with Health Magazine in Canada
tv talk shows
radio talk shows
What do you attribute your success to?
Her father, who cherished and taught her no matter what happens in life. Always be a leader never a follower, and enjoy every moment.
her loving family Especially her wonderful hudband Brad , . Who each day encourages her and tells her how much he loves her. and the many incredible wonderful people she has encountered through her work and life
every day she gives thanks for her Medical Training from some of the greatest Physcians of all time
Areas of research
Healing of Fractures by Cold Laser, Arthritis and Homeopathic Remedies, Gait Analysis
developed line of socks with seams on the outside for athletes diabetic patients
Philanthropic Initiatives
contributing to orphanages in Sounth Africa and instrumental in helping HIV Babies with necessary medical expertise
homeless animals
Teaching and speaking
Development of Programs for Nurses in Rural Areas, Diabetes Foundation, Arthritic Foundation, Parkinson Foundation, Special Needs for Children and Adults, Autism, Brain Injuries, Delayed Speech Development, McMaster University (Lower Limb and Foot Care), Toronto Hospital Clinic (Bio-Mechanics), Various Talks to Sports Affiliated Stores Regarding Shoes and Running Techniques, Radio and TV Regularly throughout Canada, Talk Show on Various Health Topics, Various Articles in Magazines
Hobbies / Sports
- Cooking, Entertaining, Traveling, Fashion
Favorite professional publications
- Sports Medicine Journal and Surgical Journal
Areas of research
Healing of Fractures by Cold Laser, Arthritis and Homeopathic Remedies, Gait Analysis
developed line of socks with seams on the outside for athletes diabetic patients
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