Your Support System for Breast Cancer

Discuss the support system you rely on to help face the emotional and physical challenges of breast cancer.
I have a local support line, set up by a man who has lost two wives to breast cancer, plus a couple of people who have also been on the journey, but are ahead of me!
Who are the key members of your breast cancer support team?
The Breast Care Nursing team at the hospital, I ring them if I suspect anything. They decide if I get an appointment to see a doctor, who then sends me for whatever test.
Do you believe you receive adequate support from both your healthcare team and your community?
Healthcare probably, community no? I have to travel some distance for any help like therapies, etc. and I do NOT drive!
What do you wish family and friends would better understand about breast cancer?
What really gets me is that they assume that the cancer is completely gone, and that I can resume my old way of life/work! I can't, I am unable to lift heavy items, I still get fatigue, and a "foggy" brain. I do try to be active, but the chemotherapy/radiotherapy has hastened Osteoporosis in my spine, and the treatment for that has triggered my Bursitis off. Cancer will always sit on my shoulder.