

I need help. I'm 30 years old and I really haven't been keeping dentist appointments because since in 2008 I was told I needed my wisdom teeth out but i had to get put to sleep. I was scared to bw put to sleep so for years I kept on putting it off so when I would go the dentist would tell me it was best for me to get my wisdom teeth out before i could have any cleaning done so I just believed that. So for years I went without properly caring for my teeth until the pain got worse and I found this dentist that didn't put me to sleep cause I had sudden sharp pain. I would have to rub my side of the face for the pain to ease off so he pulled my wisdom top and my top molar but the same pain after each extraction. Then the dentist told me give it time to heal the pain will ease after weeks but it wasnt weeks it was 2 months and it was in the summertime hot I went through alot of pain I lost weight cause i couldn't eat or drink. I really couldnt do nothing but rub my face all day and cry and it was horrible. But the pain went away in 2 months by then the weather change to cold and now its hot outside and the same thing now. It feels like its my top side tooth but the dentist say my teeth looks good but its not as intense. I try not to rub my face cause of the tingling I feel and pressure and the pain but sometimes the shock but the dentist say I may have periodontal and TMJ. I think its a abcess in my teeth like in my gums they did an x-ray and didn't see anything but when he told it and was pulling where he said the periodontal is that where it hurts but he said TMJ .
Octavia Chadwick
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