Navigating Love with Fibromyalgia
A lot of partners have trouble understanding the challenges you face with fibromyalgia. How does your loved one understand your condition?
My hubby didn't quite understand when he was alive. I was an R.N. working a lot of back shifts, and he just thought I was overtired. He wasn't well himself, so we just didn't talk. He had it in his mind that if we don't talk about things, they'll go away. I was having a hard time doing just about anything for a while. I had to take time off, and I read anything I could about fibro. Way back then there wasn't much out there to help. I did have to stop working any extra shifts, and I took care of him until his death. I'm retired now and putting myself first before anything else.
How does your partner make your routine easier for you?
I'm alone without a partner now.