
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

I am a 45 year old mother, diagnosed after the birth of my daughter in 2000 with Crohn's Disease. During my daughter's lifetime, I have been "sick". For the first 13 years of her life, I managed my condition as best as I could so the impact of my illness did not diminish our daily lives. By my third and most critical hospital admission in 2013, our lives had been somewhat overshadowed by my condition but then our lives became driven by my illness. This resulted in a traumatic and life-changing series of events all stemming from the impact Crohn's has had on my physical self and my ability to care for us. Currently unable to work and dependant on state support (fortunately so), we are beginning to rebuild our lives and personally, my own body and sense of self. I have an Ileostomy (right side stoma) which has aided my recovery enormously and has even given me the strength to fight against Fistulating Crohns causing a long and dangerous battle with Sepsis. I have 2 setons to stem the flow of infection and currently working towards being infection-free to enable me to start the drug therapy that will hopefully, address the cause of the multitracking branches of perianal fistulas.
Samantha McHale
  • Blog Topics: Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • 2000: Terminal Ileo Crohns and Fistulating Crohns Disease

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