In 2005, I was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis. In 2008 I had surgery to remove my thymus gland as I had a thymoma. I was not getting better so my Dr said let’s...
63 years old. Diagnosed at age 28. Drive with hand controls since 1995. Use a walker for the last 2 years. Muscles are atrophied. I have Charcot Marie Tooth and...
I am a 53 year old mother of 3 and grandmother of 5. I was diagnosed with FSHD in 2007, when a pt therapist asked what was wrong with my shoulders. That's what...
Hi, my name is Tom, short for Thomas. I was diagnosed with FSHD a few years ago, in my twenties. I'm slowly learning how to cope with the disease, and I hope to...
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