
Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian Cancer Survivor.
Ruth Gaylord
  • Blog Topics: Ovarian Cancer

My Latest Posts

If You or Someone You Love Were Able to Be Symptom-Free for One Day, How Would You Spend the Time?

I would spend my day the same way I do every day. . . full of gratitude!!!

Staying Positive with Ovarian Cancer

I put 100% credence it having a positive attitude. It motivates me in my choices all day. It gives me the energy to do the things I chose to do. When I am tired, especially...

How Your Life Has Changed with Ovarian Cancer

I was bloated for such a prolonged time that I went to my doctor to check on it. She told me I was constipated. I knew that. The nurse set up an appt. with a different doctor...

What Do You Want Other Women to Know About Ovarian Cancer?

OC is not necessarily a death sentence. I am a 20. 5 year survivor of Stage 3.  Keep a positive attitude. Be surrounded by those who love you and help you to be as stress-free...

Your Support System for Ovarian Cancer

I have family, the medical community, and friends. I have such excellent support. They do a superb job.

20-year Survival

Why do I resist writing? Ovarian Cancer has changed my life for the good! So, surely I am happy to share my journey with others. Yet, writing it down in a daily journal is something...