
How is endometrial cancer treated?

My mom has been diagnosed with endometrial cancer. She is 78 years old so I am so nervous about treatment due to her age. What is normally done for older cancer patients?


Please give me some guidance

Back in March I had a tonsil Stone first time I ever even heard of a tonsil Stone was back in March. No big deal whatever but over the course of the months between March and November my throat has continued to hurt I have one swollen outrageously sides tonsil there is a hard deposit in there. On the base back of my tongue where it connects with my throat is swollen there's a hard lump in there I feel like there's something in my throat stuck and I can't swallow it but I keep trying to swallow because I feel like if I swallow it it'll go away but it never does. It's become painful irritating and downright ridiculous I have been to the doctor a million times who keeps telling me there's nothing wrong or come up with some excuse to go see a different doctor or another doctor. No one has put there finger in my mouth to feel it. I'm in misery and about to take this out myself and that would be a lot messy than say a doctor doing it. Please any ideas. Is this something that should be taken so carelessly.


My heart is fluttering

Hello, I have Type One Diabetes with history of tachycardia episodes and it feels like my heart is fluttering like crazy. Should I be concerned?


How do you qualify for home health care?

My grandmother wants to be taken care of at home because she's been at the hospital for so long. She's really sick. How does one qualify to have home health care? Learn more from our experts.


Can a psychiatrist treat obesity?

I am obese and want to treat it. Learn more from our experts.


Can a child overcome stuttering?

My daughter is stuttering. Learn more from our experts.


How are respiratory therapists handling the increase in patients?

I am a 29 year old male. I want to know how are respiratory therapists handling the increase in patients? Learn more from our experts.


Can I combine these medications?

Can I take Tylenol for severe sinus while taking Penicillin for a tooth infection? Learn more from our experts.


Will a lisp go away on its own?

I am a 29 year old male. I want to know will a lisp go away on its own? Learn more from our experts.


What are the side effects of a cortisone shot for heel spur?

I have a heel spur. Learn more from our experts.