
High cholesterol after thyroidectomy and unusual test levels.

I had my thyroid removed 21 years ago. My levels have never been in the normal range until the last 6 years, and even then it ran 3. 7-3. 9. I do have a small piece that "regrew"...


Does birth order affect the likelihood of having speech issues?

I am a 39 year old female. I was wondering does birth order affect the likelihood of having speech issues? Learn more from our experts.


Medication question?

I was recently prescribed .75 mg of dexamethasone for a migraine that hasn’t gone away. Learn more from our experts.


Is sleep medicine safe?

I am a 17 year old male and I have insomnia. I want to take sleep medicine. Learn more from our experts.


Can I exercise after a CT scan with dye?

I will have a CT scan with dye. Learn more from our experts.


I think I'm partially deaf--what should I do?

I regularly clean my ears so I don't think that this has to do with an accumulation of wax. Is it possible that I lost some of my hearing from my accident? What should I do? Learn more from our experts.


How can occupational therapy help stroke patients?

My grandmother had a stroke, and is in occupational therapy to improve the strength in her hands. What exercises are usually done that will help her?


What are the best prenatal vitamins and supplements?

I am a 28 year old female. I will start trying for a baby in a few months. Learn more from our experts.


Go to work or wait?

For about 3 days I haven’t been feeling well. Learn more from our experts.


Is nuclear medicine used in wars?

I am a 33 year old male. I want to know is nuclear medicine used in wars? Learn more from our experts.