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Dr. Michael Lucius Pomerantz, MD


Dr. M Lucius Pomerantz is a Orthopedic Surgeon/Hand Surgeon practicing in San Diego, CA. Dr. Pomerantz specializes in the upper extremity including complex elbow and wrist injuries, nerve injuries, and all pathology of the hand. He was an active competitor in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu obtaining a black belt.  He also participated in wrestling, boxing, and mixed martial arts. Dr. Pomerantz provides quality surgical service to all types of patients, ages, goals, and activities.
10 years Experience
Dr. Michael Lucius Lucius Pomerantz, MD
  • San Diego, CA
  • UC San Diego
  • Accepting new patients

I have numbness in my right first three fingers?

While cervical issues can present like this, a very common cause for your symptoms is carpal tunnel syndrome.

M. Lucius Pomerantz, MD

Can a fracture move in a cast?

Casts are placed with the goal of preventing a fracture from moving significantly. However, fractures can definitely move within a cast, especially if you are using the hand.

Anterior talofibular ligament?

I assume this is based on MRI finding. Not knowing the full context of the injury I am limited, but the ATFL ligament is one of many ligaments on the outside of your ankle and READ MORE
I assume this is based on MRI finding. Not knowing the full context of the injury I am limited, but the ATFL ligament is one of many ligaments on the outside of your ankle and is often injured with an "inversion" type of ankle sprain. If there is no evidence of other ankle instability, it can be treated like a bad ankle sprain and does not require surgery (but does take time to heal!)

How long does an open fracture take to heal?

I cannot speak to the specifics of your case, but it often takes wrist bones 6-8 weeks to heal. Often open fractures (the bone poked out of the skin due to the injury) heal slower READ MORE
I cannot speak to the specifics of your case, but it often takes wrist bones 6-8 weeks to heal. Often open fractures (the bone poked out of the skin due to the injury) heal slower that closed fractures.