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Dr. William Summers, MD


Dr. William Summers is a psychiatrist practicing in Albuquerque, NM. Dr. Summers is a medical doctor specializing in the care of mental health patients. As a psychiatrist, Dr. Summers diagnoses and treats mental illnesses. Dr. Summers may treat patients through a variety of methods including medications, psychotherapy or talk therapy, psychosocial interventions and more, depending on each individual case. Different medications that a psychiatrist might prescribe include antidepressants, antipsychotic mediations, mood stabilizers, stimulants, sedatives and hypnotics. Dr. Summers treats conditions like depression, anxiety, OCD, eating disorders, bipolar disorders, personality disorders, insomnia, ADD and other mental illnesses.
53 years Experience
Dr. William Summers, MD
  • Albuquerque, NM
  • Washington University School of Medicine
  • Accepting new patients

Can panic attacks go away on their own?

In certain circumstances, yes.

What doctor treats alcohol addiction?

In truth treatment of alcohol is largely dependent on the motivation of the alcoholic.

Medication Concern

Quetiapine is a derivative of Haldol and developed to treat schizophrenia. Lethargy/sleep is a side effect which many of my collogues then use as a sleep aide. I do not like READ MORE
Quetiapine is a derivative of Haldol and developed to treat schizophrenia. Lethargy/sleep is a side effect which many of my collogues then use as a sleep aide. I do not like the drug because of weight gain properties.

Can I change from one antidepressant to another one?

This is tricky business. One assumes the old antidepressant has ceased being useful. The transition to a new antideprssant should be under the supervision of one skilled in READ MORE
This is tricky business. One assumes the old antidepressant has ceased being useful. The transition to a new antideprssant should be under the supervision of one skilled in psychopharmacology.

Can I take medications for anxiety?

Almost all anxiety can be managed with appropriate pharmacotherapy. As several psychiatric conditions are associated with anxiety, correct diagnosis is important.

Can depression be controlled?

If a patient and psychiatrist work together as a team, depression can be managed and life normalized.

How do you calm someone with the schizoaffective disorder?

This is a complex question. It requires a skilled neuropsychpharmacologist and a cooperative patient to set a flexible pharmacologic intervention.

Can psychotherapy treat bipolar?

Not a good choice. Skilled use of medications works best for BiPolar, which is often a moving target.

Can anxiety be cured with medications?

Answer: NO. Medications cover the symptom of anxiety, but does not cure it. If the anxiety is driven by Major Depressive Disorder, the condition often spontaneously resolves within READ MORE
Answer: NO. Medications cover the symptom of anxiety, but does not cure it. If the anxiety is driven by Major Depressive Disorder, the condition often spontaneously resolves within 2-3 years of onset and the anxiety is resolved at the same time. However MDD does often recur later in life.

How long should I take medications for depression?

Major Depressive Disorder is a problem that waxes and wanes in different ways in each individual. The length of therapy should be determined by the prescriber with the inputs READ MORE
Major Depressive Disorder is a problem that waxes and wanes in different ways in each individual. The length of therapy should be determined by the prescriber with the
inputs from the patient.

Can you live a full life on antidepressants?

In most cases, one lives a better life when the treatment is optimal.

How can I prevent panic attacks when flying?

I find propranalol (a cardiac drug that blocks adrenaline) very useful for management of situational panic. The dose range varies from person to person so it is a bit of work READ MORE
I find propranalol (a cardiac drug that blocks adrenaline) very useful for management of situational panic. The dose range varies from person to person so it is a bit of work to define the proper dose for an individual.

Doxepin side effects

Your adderall is the more likely cause of the rage/ mood swings. The doxepin may have created a drug-drug interaction, but the adderall is the cause.

Can panic disorder be cured?

Most panic disorders that require medical attention are not "CURED" by the medicine. Rather the symptoms are managed by the medications.

Can manic depression be fixed?

Bipolar Affective Disorder (Manic-Depressive Illness) is genetically influenced, and once symptomatic is a problem that needs to be monitored for life.

Can a person recover from alcohol addiction?

One can be free of alcohol for long periods, but
once diagnosed with alcohol addiction, it is a diagnosis
for life.

Can psychosis be treated with therapy?

Psychosis (delusions and/or hallucinations) are a sign of severe CNS disturbance, which at the present time require medications. Talking therapies are ineffective.

Can you help my child with anger issues?

Child is a very inclusive term. One of my daughters is 42, so her solution to this would be very different from a 10 year old. Dr. William Summers

How can I control my anger outbursts?

A complex question. If it is related to an addiction like alcohol or marijuana or meth.. that must be addressed. If related to a mood disorder that must be treated. Beyond that READ MORE
A complex question. If it is related to an addiction like alcohol or marijuana or meth.. that must be addressed. If related to a mood disorder that must be treated. Beyond that there is psychotherapy or intervention with propranolol.

Should antidepressant medication be used in the elderly?

This is a complex question. In general yes, however one must get a complete history and sometimes a physical exam. Certainly one must take an elderly patient's other current medications READ MORE
This is a complex question. In general yes, however one must get a complete history and sometimes a physical exam. Certainly one must take an elderly patient's other current medications and supplements into consideration. Dr. Summers