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Linda Ponzi


Dr. Linda Ponzi is a Functional Medicine practitioner practicing in Las Vegas, NV. Ms. Ponzi specializes in solutions that creates symptoms similar to what the patient is already experiencing. Homeopathic practition  set up lengthy interviews in order to get detailed descriptions on the symptoms as well as eating and sleeping habits so they can match them properly.
38 years Experience
Linda Ponzi
  • Las Vegas, NV
  • Western Michigan University
  • Accepting new patients

Is there a homeopathic treatment available for erectile dysfunction?

We need to start with the root cause……. - cut sugar and inflammatory foods - clean liver test function -cholesterol plaque in blood vessels - homocysteine levels and CRP - nitric READ MORE
We need to start with the root cause…….
- cut sugar and inflammatory foods
- clean liver test function
-cholesterol plaque in blood vessels
- homocysteine levels and CRP
- nitric oxide levels
- hormone levels
-hormone processing
- A1 C level
Just to start…..