When Should You See a Cosmetic Dentist in Brantford?

Dr. Monika Spolia Dentist Brantford, ON

Dr. Monika Spolia is a dentist practicing in Brantford, ON. Dr. Spolia specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases and conditions associated with the mouth and overall dental health. Dentists are trained to carry out such treatments as professional cleaning, restorative, prosthodontic, and endodontic procedures,... more

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. Whether you're going on a first date or interviewing for a new job, having an awesome set of teeth does wonders for your appearance and self-confidence.

But let's face it: not everyone is blessed with a Hollywood smile. Tooth decay, damage, and other dental issues can leave you feeling self-conscious about showing off your teeth.

That's where cosmetic dentistry comes into play. Unlike regular dentists who focus on keeping your teeth healthy, cosmetic dentists work on improving the appearance of your smile.

In this post, I'll cover the top 6 reasons people visit cosmetic dentists in Brantford.

1. Tooth Decay 

Tooth decay is one of the most common reasons people seek cosmetic dentistry.

Cavities may start out small, but when left untreated they spread and leave big holes in your teeth. This not only impacts your oral health, but it makes for an unattractive smile.

Cosmetic dentists in Brantford can use tooth-colored fillings, crowns, and other restorations to fill in cavities and decay. With the right procedure, no one will even be able to tell you have fillings.

2. Damage (Cracks, Chips, etc.) 

Injuries or teeth grinding can leave your teeth with cracks, chips, and breaks that make them look less than perfect.

While functionality is the main concern with damaged teeth, cosmetic dentists can restore your teeth to mint condition.

Dental bonding, veneers, and crowns are all options to repair cracked, chipped, or broken teeth.

3. Crooked Teeth 

Unless you had braces as a kid, chances are your teeth aren't perfectly straight.

While mild crookedness doesn't hurt your oral health, it's hard to feel confident in professional and social situations when you have an imperfect smile.

Cosmetic dentists have plenty of orthodontic treatments to give you a straighter smile. Clear aligners like Invisalign allow you to straighten your teeth discreetly. Your dentist can also use veneers to make your teeth look straight.

4. Misshapen Teeth 

Even if your teeth grew in straight, you may have irregular tooth shapes that throw off your smile's appearance.

Short teeth, fanged teeth, pegged teeth—whatever your teeth's quirk is, your cosmetic dentist has you covered.

Enamel shaping and contouring is a simple procedure that refines your teeth's shape. Veneers and crowns can also give misshapen teeth a complete smile makeover.

5. Discoloration 

Having dingy, yellow, or stained teeth is a surefire way to look older than you are. It also makes you look unhygienic, even if you brush and floss regularly.

Professional teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatment in Brantford. Supervised whitening at your cosmetic dentist's office gets you faster, more dramatic results than over-the-counter whitening products.

6. Missing Teeth 

Tooth loss impacts more than just your appearance. Missing teeth also make it harder to eat your favorite foods.

Brantford Cosmetic dentists have different options to replace missing teeth, including:

Modern tooth replacement methods look incredibly lifelike. No one will know you're not sporting your natural teeth!

Looking Your Best With Cosmetic Dentistry in Brantford

You only get one smile to make a great first impression. Whether you need to fix a specific dental issue or revamp your entire look, cosmetic dentistry is an investment that keeps on giving.

From whitening to orthodontics, there's a cosmetic dental solution for any problem you might have with the appearance of your teeth.

You don't need to be rich and famous to benefit from cosmetic dentistry either. These days, treatments are more affordable than ever before.

So if you've been unhappy with your smile, book a consultation with our cosmetic dentist in Brantford. They'll assess your teeth's current condition and recommend the best treatments for you.