
1 What is Restasis?

Brand: Restasis

Generic: Cyclosporine

Restasis is used to increase tear production. This is an immunosuppressant that is usually indicated for patients with decreased tear production caused by ocular inflammation, which can be associated with different eye conditions including keratoconjunctivitis sicca.

You can only purchase this medication with a prescription. It is sold in emulsion form.

2 What to Know Before Using

Your doctor will inform you of what you need to know before using Restasis. You need to know the pros and cons of using Restasis before starting treatment.

You have to be aware in order to make an informed consent regarding treatment. Some of the things you need to think about before using this medication are as follows.

Ophthalmic cyclosporine is contraindicated in patients who are hypersensitive to cyclosporine or any of its components. Also, you need to inform your healthcare provider about other food, drug, and/or animal allergies.

Studies on ophthalmic cyclosporine’s effects on children have only been studied in those aged 16 and older. Research has shown that ophthalmic cyclosporine causes the same effects in geriatric patients as in younger adults.

The effects of this medication on pregnant women and the fetus have not been clearly studied. It should only be used if absolutely necessary. Ophthalmic cyclosporine should be used with caution in lactating mothers because it can be passed in breast milk.

Give your physician a complete list of other medications you are taking. Some of these drugs may interact with ophthalmic cyclosporine.

This drug can also affect other medical conditions including current eye infections, history of herpes infection of your cornea and contact lens use. Patients who have reduced tear production are advised not to wear contacts.

3 Proper Usage

To use Restasis properly, you must follow all instructions given by your doctor. Dosage and frequency depend on the severity of your condition.

It is, therefore, important to follow your physician’s instructions diligently. Do not change the dose and timing without consulting your physician.

It is also essential that you complete your treatment course to ensure optimum effects. Remove contact lenses before administering the eye drops. You can put your contacts back on after 15 minutes.

If you are using artificial tears, use ophthalmic cyclosporine 15 minutes after the eye drops. Rotate the vial back and forth instead of shaking it.

You can ask a health care provider to demonstrate how to use this medication or read the information insert that comes with the packaging. Generally, the steps involved include washing your hands first.

Tilt your head back and press down gently on your eyelid, pulling it away from the eye. This creates a space where you can administer the eye drops. Release the eyelid and close your eye gently.

You need to wash your hands after this as well. Keep the tip of the vial germ-free. Do not let it get in contact with any surface. If you miss a dose, administer it right away.

However, resume normal scheduling if the next dose is near. Keep your eye drops away from the reach of children.

4 Precautions to Take

Before using Restasis, there are some precautions you must take. Go to your follow-up appointments diligently. This is a way for your doctor to monitor your progress and prevent side effects from developing.

Your doctor can also make sure that the medication is working properly for you. You should also check with your healthcare provider if your symptoms don’t get better or get worse.

Ophthalmic cyclosporine can cause vision changes like blurry vision. You should not drive or engage in any activities that need you to see well. Operating heavy machinery is not recommended as well.

5 Potential Side Effects

A number of side effects can also occur when you are using Restasis although not all of it can manifest. Most of these symptoms do not need medical attention.

However, you should consult our physician if these do not get better with time or get worse. The most common side effect associated with ophthalmic cyclosporine is eye discomfort or a burning sensation. This goes away on its own.

Other effects include blurred vision, clear/yellow fluid from the eye, reading difficulty, eye pain, a sensation of having something in the eye, skin itchiness, halos around lights, redness of the white part of your eyes, stinging, matted eyelashes, and watery eye/s.

If you experience side effects that are not mentioned here, you should check with your doctor as soon as possible.
