Psychologist Questions Psychologist

Can CBT help with obesity?

I have obesity and want to fix it. Can CBT help with obesity?

5 Answers

Hello -- this question is a hard one for me to answer because as an eating disorder specialist, I look at "obesity" differently than the rest of the world. I believe that we live in a criminally fat phobic culture that shames people into losing weight with attempts at diets despite the actual outcome data of dieting which shows that over 90% of dieters either 1) do not lose weight from the attempted diet or 2) gain back all the weight they have lost if not more. Therefore, when doctors, families, partners, or society say that you need to lose weight, they are asking for something that all evidence says is biologically impossible and therefore only creating shame. Or, they are asking you to adopt an eating disorder and/or a very toxic relationship with food and body that can take over so much of your spirit. So, I teach people about biological set point (the weight your biology and genetics wants you to be), intuitive eating/food freedom, as well as Health at Every Size (HAES). There is a whole evidence-based movement against the idea that people in large bodies are unhealthy. You can learn more here:

At Resolve Psychological Services, we orient you to the eating disorder recovery culture. Our work is to figure out how to accept our bodies at their set points, and also validate the difficulty of that given the cultural context in which we live. We are centered in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), so we work on changing the conversation with the self in regards to the self-hating messages that so many of us have internalized. The work is beautiful, as are you. Call us today at Resolve Psychological Services.
CBT can help with many mental illnesses, including binge eating disorder which sometimes leads to obesity. Obesity can be caused by other factors too though like genetics, lack of access to nutrition-rich foods, lack of access to exercise facilities or safe spaces to exercise outdoors, etc. Other psychological treatment modalities can also be helpful usually requiring coordination between a therapist and a dietician to support the patient's goals to restore weight if that is needed.
Yes CBT can help and so can Hypnotherapy.
Yes it can
See this source link for some insight into your question: