Acupuncture Questions Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT)

Can nasal fungal infection be fixed?

I was diagnosed with a nasal fungal infection. Can nasal fungal infection be fixed?

6 Answers

Using acupuncture, changing the diet and applying TCM herbs should gradually help with a nasal fungal infection. Patient should avoid consuming alcohol and eating sugar, red meats, eggs and and dairy products during treatment. I suggest 3-6 weeks in a row for treatment (and diet changes) depending on severity and results.
I would imagine it can, but you'll need to be seen by your primary care physician for a prescription.
Yes, you may try to use Chinese herb, use them as a aromatherapy.
●Yes it  can be permanently cured with Homeopathy Treatment . ●Very effective medicines are there in Homeopathic ●With my treatment of 1.5 month you will get permanent relief. ●Will prescribe the complete treatment ●You can consult me now through online     Warm regards