Psychiatrist Questions Depression


I’ve been on Celexa for one month. 10mg for 3 weeks. And upped to 20mg 8 days ago. I have insomnia, from anxiety normally. So, using to treat possible depression and anxiety disorder. Is it normal to not be able to sleep even with Ativan? Also, nausea started 7 days after raised dose. And last two says I feel more depressed than ever before in my life. Are these normal feelings after raising dose on Celexa.

Male | 48 years old
Complaint duration: Week
Medications: Celexa and ativan and omoprozile
Conditions: Anxiety.

1 Answer

Increased depression after increasing a dose of an SSRI is not a typical response. This may not be the right medication for you. If the depression significantly worsens, I would recommend contacting your prescriber for a sooner appointment. You might also discuss a different treatment for insomnia because long term benzodiazepine use can lead to dependence and worsen insomnia because of your body developing a tolerance to it.