Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Feeling sick after eating after not eating for a while?

I'm anorexic and I barely ate until today, and now I feel nauseous and having to go to the restroom a lot. I can't tell if it's my anxiety (diagnosed) or my body.

Female | 18 years old
Complaint duration: Day
Medications: Zoloft (150 mg)
Conditions: Anorexia, Anxiety

2 Answers

Thank you for your inquiry. 
It will be important to see a medical professional who understands eating and anxiety disorders, and you will need to be very honest about your symptoms, medications, and mental health history. If you're using laxatives, you need to be very honest about that as well. Your prescriber of psychotropic medications also needs to be consulted asap.

Dr. Martinez, PhD, MA
Check this link out...'t%20eat,caused%20by%20strong%20stomach%20contractions.