Doctor Questions Doctor

General question?

I was going out to the store I took with me one bag of trash, it was wet and dirty. I throw it away and continued to the store, first when I entered I took hand hygiene which was on the door, and while being in the store I touched one box of food, and it fell from my hand through other food and touched the food directly. When I went out I thought that this might be a reason that someone got sick because of me and I felt guilty and that someone could die because of this if his immune system is weak. What do you think about this story and am I giving it too much?

Male | 24 years old

2 Answers

Don’t worry about it…
If it is not too late, you definitely should tell the store about your experience. They will of course throw out the items in question. It is a remote possibility, but definitely possible that someone could get ill from your actions.

Yours truly,

Dr. Richard Evan (Rick) Steele