Occupational Medicine Questions Occupational medicine

Go to work or wait?

For about 3 days I haven’t been feeling well. Headache, body aches, diarrhea, little nasal congestion, and high fever once I think (fever I’m not sure I have no thermometer). Just woke up feeling very hot and sweaty then eventually turned to chills. I recently had a tetanus shot. I don’t take any medications. I was going to go to the Dr to get cleared to work. They are not open being it is a holiday. So I’m wondering if in your professional opinion if I should go to work without seeing a Dr?

Female | 29 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days

1 Answer

I do suggest staying home from work until you have been clear of fever for 24 hours. You could certainly be having a reaction to the tetanus shot, or you could have picked up a virus while at their office. Make sure to get a rapid Covid test if you still have symptoms, and get checked out by a physician. I practice QNRT which resets trauma from the brain. It does also reset patterns attached to the brain and nervous system which may be allowing the immune system to not respond properly to viruses, bacteria, toxins, etc. Let me know if you would like to discuss how QNRT can benefit you. Take care.