Sports Medicine Specialist Questions Sports Medicine Specialist

Gymnastics injury?

Hi, I was at a gymnastics meet and I landed on my leap and a pain shot up my leg. After that, I was running in the vault and it was hurting and that was after I landed funny. I can’t really explain where the pain is but it is from my hip to my knee. Is there anything I can do about that?

Female | 13 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day

5 Answers

Probably a legit problem. You have to see someone in person.
Rest, ice, and over-the-counter medications as needed and as tolerated. You may need to seek evaluation by your doctor or an orthopedic clinic.
Rice. If not improved in couple days see your physician
You should seek help from a chiropractor who treats sports injuries.
This sounds like a lower back issue. Typically, performance athletes like yourself have really good flexibility in your lower back but this often is at the cost of postural strength. If your pain is between your hip and knee and changes with activity, then the issue is more than likely your back. I'd recommend seeing a Sports Physical Therapist assess the postural muscles in your lower back.