Pain Management Specialist Questions Pain Management Specialist

How can I find out what this pain is?

I have had pain in my right side above my waist for months. I have had an MRI, a CT scan, and chiropractors. How can I find out what this pain is?

Female | 76 years old
Conditions: About a year

4 Answers

If you have not seen a gastroenterologist make an appointment. That would be my next move.

Jeffery P. Jones, D.C.
Consider finding a primary care physician who is caring. They can rule out any major problems, and refer you to a professional who can help if chiropractic hasn’t helped. I’m not sure that my advice would be significantly different. You deserve a diagnosis with a plan to correct the problem.
Visit an interventional pain physician

You need more extensive evaluation and imaging. What did the current imaging reports reveal?


Dr. Churchill