Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

How long does dislocated ankle heal?

I dislocated my ankle 3 days ago. I want to know how long does dislocated ankle heal?

6 Answers

It may or may not heal on its own. if you are not under the care of a doctor, please see a orthopedic doctor asap. If you are having medical care already, please address your concern with your doctor.
It depends on which structures were damaged during the Injury. At a minimum an x-ray should have been obtained at the time of injury to evaluate for any fractures. If no fractures are identified then often times your Health care provider will obtain an MRI to evaluate for soft tissue damage(ligaments/tendons). Depending on what the studies show Will dictate what treatment is necessary and how long the recovery may be.
It depends on how severe it is- likely at least a few months
A true dislocation of the ankle usually involves fractures of the Tibia and Fibula. If it is a true dislocation, and if it does involve fractures, you will need to have surgery to fix the ankle and make sure it heals in a stable way. Even if the bones are not fractured, you will need an MRI to insure the syndesmotic ligament between the Tibia and Fibula has not ruptured. Also, the ligaments would be very damaged in a true dislocation, and would need to also be evaluated and possibly repaired surgically. An MRI is essential to evaluate this injury, and then a foot and ankle specialist will evaluate the problem and help you make the appropriate decisions on how to treat the problem.
If it's truly a dislocated ankle, you should seek medical help immediately.
Dislocated ankle once it has been repositioned may take up to 6-8 weeks. I recommend you discuss time frame with your foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist)