Dentist Questions Periodontist

How long is recovery from gum graft surgery?

I will get gum graft surgery. How long is recovery from gum graft surgery?

3 Answers

You should be fine in 3-5 days at the site of the graft. If the graft is being taken from another area of your mouth, that may be more sore and last somewhat longer. The important thing is to follow all your instructions to the letter to ensure rapid healing. You will have to take it easy when eating and avoid hard and crunchy food until you get the OK from your doctor. Dr. Conrad
Hello, Normally, two -three weeks, but everyone heals differently especially if you have underlying health issues, such as Diabetes, high blood pressure etc. You may want to check with the dentist performing the procedure. Thanks, Danelle 5011 Southpark Dr. Ste 110 Durham, Nc 27713 919-361-9700-Office 919-361-97-47-Fax <> Like us on Facebook
About 2 to 4 weeks