Internist Questions Ophthalmologist

How many days is recovery after LASIK?

I want to fix my eyesight with LASIK. How many days is recovery after LASIK?

4 Answers

Most people can go back to all their normal activities the very next day, such as working on the computer, cooking in the kitchen, getting dinner with friends, etc. After LASIK, you will need return for a follow up appointment, where your vision will be checked to determine if you are safe to drive. In regards to physical restrictions, most doctors will tell you not to do too much strenuous exercise, avoid water to the eyes (no pool, sauna, jacuzzi, ocean, lake, etc), and no eye make up for about 1-2 weeks.
About a week
Most patients see clearly within 24 hours after vision correction surgery, but others take two to five days to recover. You will probably be able to return to work or your normal routine 1 to 3 days after surgery. For a few days, you may have blurry vision or watery eyes. The eye usually takes 2–3 months to heal afterward, and a person's vision is often fully stable and clear around 6 months later. If there are any vision concerns that you have before your scheduled follow-up appointments, please call your eye doctor ASAP.

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Good Luck and best wishes.
So this will depend on the healing process and there is no general all-in-one rule. Your surgeon should counsel you as to care of the eyes after surgery. Most people see better very quickly but there is a healing process. Most eyes will reach full healing after a few weeks.