Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

How many sessions of acupuncture do you need for chronic back pain?

I have chronic back pain and want to treat it. How many sessions of acupuncture do you need for chronic back pain?

11 Answers

4 treatment per year of problem
If your back pain is chronic, you will need multiple sessions per week for a period of time. Then you can decrease sessions to once a week once it is under control. You need a private consultation to discuss your pain issue.
it depends, anywhere from 1-15 session, sometimes more depending on the structural issues
It completely depends on the person, most people feel some type of relief after about 5 sessions
Chronic pain will naturally take more sessions to improve but you should feel some relief after the first treatment.
Hi there. I wish there was a specific, magic number of sessions I could quote for you, but unfortunately, there isn’t. How many sessions varies from person to person as it’s based on the severity and intensity of the condition, how quickly the individuals’ body responds, if bone misalignment is part of the problem, and a couple other factors. However, most people do find great benefit from acupuncture (often coupled with other Traditional Chinese Medicine therapies) for pain.
I'm afraid that's not something I can answer. I start seeing patients twice a week until their back pain goes down and stays down between treatments, then I go to once a week, then every other week, and so on. To really fix the problem so that it holds, it usually takes a while, but I would suggest checking with your nearest practitioner and ask them what their track record has been.
Usually 2-3 sessions of acupuncture for chronic back pain.
Impossible to give an accurate answer to this question. There are a lot of variables that go in to answering 'how long' or 'how many' and I don't have all the pieces to that puzzle.

I specialize in pain management and here's what I tell prospective patients: hopefully we get reduction in pain on the first treatment, but you need to be prepared to attend at least 3-4 treatments before we decide whether or not acupuncture is working. A full course of treatment might be 10-12 - some people go longer and some people go shorter. After that, especially with chronic pain, you're probably looking at some level of maintenance. On the more frequent side that could be 1 treatment every 4-6 weeks, on the less frequent side that could be 2 treatments per year.