Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncture

Is acupuncture good for a chronic cough?

I have a chronic cough and want to treat it. Is acupuncture good for a chronic cough?

11 Answers

Though some Acupuncturist may claim or may be able to suppress a chronic cough, my first advice is to consult an ENT, and or a pulmonologist to rule out any correctable cause of the cough
Yes. I encourage you to book a session with your practitioner of choice to get help with relief.
Yes acupuncture, herbs and capping can help relieve your chronic cough!
It's possible. It depends on what is causing it. You don't want to simply medicate symptoms like a chronic cough.
Acupuncture can help with chronic cough. It is strongly recommended to find a cause of the cough.
Dr. Leila
Before I can answer this question I need to know what is causing chronic cough. Chronic cough could be a result of hundreds medical conditions from acid reflux to lung cancer. Of course the answer on your question depends on the cause.
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I would certainly contact your nearest acupuncturist and ask them if they've success treating chronic cough. It can help some conditions.
Yes, acupuncture is good for a chronic cough.
If your chronic cough either has a known, benign cause, or you've been through several medical providers and no one can give you a cause, then, yes, acupuncture can probably help. If you haven't visited a primary care provider and had your cough evaluated, start there first. There are lots of potential issues that could be at play here, and some of them are best treated in ways other than acupuncture.