Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

My ear hurts and the right side of my face is red?

I’m 25 years old. The right side of my face is larger than my left and my ear and throat hurts. I am having muscle twitches in my arms and legs and sores on my scalp and constant widespread itchiness. Nothing was found on the MRI besides mucosal thickening in my right sinus. I’m in a lot of pain and just want to know what’s wrong.

Male | 25 years old
Complaint duration: 1 year

2 Answers

Hard to say. It can be tempting to look for a single answer to all your symptoms, but that's usually not possible.
Ear pain can be referred (most common) vs directly from an ear issue. Such as jaw joint pain, or neck muscle strain. The face swelling could be an issue with the salivary gland draining properly. I would ask when it swells, is it associated with your eating? Did it go down with massage and warm compresses?
Chronic throat pain in adults is most commonly reflux related. So do you have heartburn? Post nasal drip?
Any more photos? Unlikely due to sinus problem. Could be undiagnosed parotid gland inflammatory process, chronic steph. infection. Was the MRI performed with contrast to visualize the vascular structures? The pain is most likely due to trigeminal nerve irritation. Could try a course of prednisone and clindamycin. Send more information
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