Obstetrician and Gynecologist Questions OB-GYN

Pregnancy concern?

Hi, I have not gotten my period this month and I’m 4 days late. I’ve taken 3/4 pregnancy test and they are negative. I do have a lot of cravings, very tired, a headache right now and just lazy with my boob itching. I was on the copper IUD for 6 years, almost 7 got it removed 12/21/20 and have been trying to get pregnant and haven’t gotten pregnant. Don’t know if this time I am pregnant but confused on where’s my period. It’s never 4/5 days late. Max is 3.

Female | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 4 days
Medications: Lisinipril 5mg & citalophram 40mg daily

3 Answers

You have some symptoms of pregnancy. You can go to a clinic or your primary care physician & get a pregnancy test. If your pregnancy test is negative, consider seeing an ob/gyn for further management.

Good luck,

Anjan Chaudhury, Md. FACOG
Thanks for your question.

So, a woman not on birth control can get one to two abnormal cycles a year. you can skip one or have an extra one. The best way to see would be a blood pregnancy test. However, you should not be on the Lisinopril with trying to get pregnant. That has to be switched to something else right away.

Doug Young, MD
Repeat pregnancy test in 1 week again.
Take care!