Gastroenterologist Questions

Should I go to the doctor?

For the past 4 days I’ve been constipated, nauseous, bloated and have vomited twice. For the last two days Ive had sharp pains first on the right side of my belly button, but now it’s almost my entire lower stomach. The nausea started about a week ago, but almost every time I eat I’m nauseous so I thought nothing of it; until I stopped pooping. Which is really odd for me. I have had a few very small ones since I took a laxative yesterday. But the random onset nausea, and horrible stomach pains persist. I’ve had less nausea today, but still feel I might need to go to the doctor. Also if it helps my sister has Crohn's, Ive had similar symptoms to her for awhile and my family has a history of gallbladder and stomach issues.

Female | 16 years old
Medications: N/A
Conditions: N/A

1 Answer

You should see a pediatric gastroenterologist. If they are losing weight or have anemia then further work up is needed to figure out why you have these pains.