Adult Care Specialist Questions Hospitlaist

Should I go to the hospital?

My name is Shaylee and I am 23 years old. I have been going through extreme pain in my right hand and arm it is traveling into my shoulder, I’ve been seen by my primary and was sent to a neurologist where I’ve had a bunch of tests done but have yet to hear anything back about a follow-up appointment or results and it’s been 2 weeks. I was also sent to do labs and after the results came back my primary doctor referred me to a hematologist due to me having a really high white blood cell count and really low red blood cell count, but I missed my appointment due to her not sending over the referral that was needed but she herself stated it was urgent. I have not been able to get in contact with her since, however, I have been having a really hard time sleeping like I’m overly exhausted, I get dizzy spells very often, and I get hot flashes and cold sweats. I am also having a very hard time eating or having an appetite and anytime I can eat it makes me very nauseous. Should I think about going to the hospital?

Female | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 1 month
Medications: Lyrica

1 Answer

If your symptoms has worsened as stated, you should go to the hospital