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Suboxen withdrawals?

If a person uses Suboxen (buprenorphine) for only a month, will they have bad withdrawals? I’ve been prescribed subs for withdrawal from a prescription pill problem, but I don’t want to be on these long term as I hear the withdrawals are actually worse. Will the withdrawals be as bad if I taper now, starting week 3?

Female | 38 years old
Medications: Buprenorphine
Conditions: Loratab addiction-16 days on subs off of loratabs

4 Answers

Ask your prescribing Doc. It will vary from person to person.
See this link...
There is considerable variation between individuals. You could try very slow withdraws, and seek help if you have too many symptoms.
These are valuable questions best directed at your current suboxone provider. They are legally responsible for monitoring your health and prescription use of opiates.