Geriatrician Questions Geriatrician

Why do I have no energy?

I'm an active 82 year old. My BP is good, oxygen is good (oximeter). I have A-Fib, Waldenstrom's Lymphoma (indolent for about 8 years). It's good after 20 minutes of rest. What else is causing a lack of energy?

Male | 82 years old
Complaint duration: 3 years since double hernia
Medications: coversyl, apixaban, amlopidine, dutasteride

2 Answers

Many conditions can cause low Energy: low thyroid function, low vitamin B12, D levels, anemia, dehydration, deconditioning. I recommend seeing your doctor for basic blood work first. If all is normal make sure you drink enough water during the day, exercise daily: strength and cardio.
Make sure your a-fib is acting up when you exercise. I would recommend you use a heart rate monitor to see what happens with your heart rate with exercise. Also could be considered a type of Angina, and your cardiologist may suggest either a stress echo or MUGA scan or other diagnostic tests. Before considering alternatives I would strongly suggest that if there has been a sudden change in your overall functional capacity you visit your cardiologist and discuss this further. Other alternatives could be low testosterone, high levels of paraproteins leading to slower blood flow and hence fatigue, a change in your pulmonary capacity.
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