Chiropractor Questions Back Pain

What is the best kind of desk chair recommended for my condition?

I suffer from a lot of back pain while working. Will a change in my work chair help my condition better? What is the best kind of work chair recommended to keep my back in good posture?

9 Answers

If your work station is not ergonomically sound, after spending 8 hrs per day, 5 days per week will make any spine have pain. Consult with a chiropractor, and recommendations can be made to have optimal work station to reduce the potential for pain.
You get what you pay for. I would go to an Ergonomic chair store, or look up on Amazon or other vendors of office chairs, reviews of good chairs and find a less expensive version of the same one somewhere else perhaps. There is no 1 Best Chair. Hope i helped. Got your back! Dr. Todd Gewant- Chiropractor
It certainly can help with symptoms due to sitting. That would be a great place to start.
The best way to minimize work related pain is to find out why sitting is causing you pain. In our office, we find out why it hurts to sit down while you're at work. With chiropractic adjustments and Active Release Technique, they can reduce your pain and show you how to avoid the pain in the future.
One with a lumbar support. Make sure you have an ergonomic desk. A stand up desk can help. I would recommend a chiropractor to help with your pain
The best chair would be one that gives you proper support yet is still very comfortable. It’s a very individual thing and there’s no perfect chair for everyone, just like there’s no perfect mattress or pillow. Try out diff chairs and see what works best for you.
Any chair endorsed by the ACA (American Chiroprctic Association) is a winner. Find one that is the most comfortable for you
Back pain as a general symptom needs to be further evaluated
A nice office chair from Nebraska Furniture---firm cushions and high back