Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Can I rinse my eyes with tap water?

I am a 20 year old male. I want to know if I can rinse my eyes with tap water?

7 Answers

If you have healthy eyes and clean tap water absolutely
Yes, if you got a foreign substance or chemical in it. For comfort, try non-prescription artificial tears.
Of course this can be done in the moment, but not a good long-term solution. There are many commercial eyewashes out there. And in some parts of the country - usually Southern - there are amoebas in the water which can infect eyes.  
No. Tap water will irritate your eyes. You need a balance of water and salt in very precise ratio to irrigate your eyes safely.

Best Regards,

David J. Pinhas, M.D.
Only in an emergency if nothing else is available, such as if you accidentally splash a chemical or irritating substance into your eye. If it is not an emergency, it is best to use a balanced saline eye wash or lubricating drops made for the eye, such as artificial tears if needed. Tap water will irritate your eyes and rinse away the important protective mucus and oil layers on the surface of the eye. You also risk infection by using anything that is not sterile in a closed container.

Mark F. Pyfer, MD, MS, FACS
Yes, as long as you are not wearing contact lenses.

Yes, if your city water is sterile.