Dentist Questions Dentist

Can a tooth crack under a crown?

I am a 33 year old female and I have a dental crown. Can a tooth crack under a crown?

12 Answers

Yes. One of the indications for crown is that it is cracked. Putting a crown on it should stop the crack from progressing. Unfortunately, sometimes the crack will continue to grow and will need a root canal to stop the progression of the crack. If you got the crown because you have a clenching or grinding problem, invest in a splint that will protect your teeth.
No, but it is not uncommon for a tooth to be cracked before a crown is put in place.

Yes it is possible that a tooth can crack under a crown. Root Canal teeth crack much more frequently than live, strong teeth.... never the less it is possible.
It also depends on the condition of your teeth, there is many other factors that can contribute to crack teeth syndrome.....


Dr. Zoltek.
Yes it is possible see your dentist to evaluate
Yes. Although the crown is the best protection, if a crack already started prior to the crown placement, it has the potential to propagate (continue cracking).
Yes, it can. The best thing to do is visit your dentist’s office and take a dental X-ray for a diagnosis.
Yes, as crowns become stronger they can exceed the strength of the natural tooth structure they sit on. Under extreme forces ( habitual clenching or accidental trauma ) the tooth under the crown can break.
Absolutely yes. This is a rare occurrence for a vital (live) tooth but if a tooth has had root canal treatment it can fracture under the stress of chewing. During root canal treatment, the inside of the tooth is hollowed out to an extent that allows the dentist to reach and remove the pulp of the tooth. With time, after the the removal of the pulp, the tooth can become brittle due to the loss of its vitality. This happens despite the placement of any bonded material placed within the tooth to help hold it together and increase its strength. So, yes, the tooth can fracture under the crown.
My initial reaction is "no". However, cracks in teeth are an enigma, many times a puzzle which is difficult to unravel. The tooth may have had an undetectable crack when the crown was placed.
Treatment for teeth with visible cracks is placement of a crown, but not all cracks are easily detected and the signs and symptoms may be the only evidence that the tooth has a crack
A tooth can crack under the crown sometimes specially if it is a root canal tooth.

It is unlikely that a tooth will crack under a crown; however, it can crack in the root or between the roots with a crown. This is actually something that can be difficult and frustrating to diagnose. Sometimes an X-ray can pick it up but sometimes it can not. Usually if this happens you will see the effects of the cracked root (deep pocket or infection around part of the root surface). However, if you have had root canal on that tooth it is also possible that the root canal is re-infected and it just needs to be re-treated.
Hope this helps.

William F. Scott IV, DMD