Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncture

Can acupuncture heal nerves?

I am a 38 year old female. I have nerve damage on my back. Can acupuncture heal nerves?

27 Answers

Yes. Acupuncture with massage and herbs should help heal nerve damage gradually. I suggest you try it.
it depends. Acupuncture can be very beneficial for nerve health as well as herbal therapy
Yes, acupuncture helps for nerve regeneration. How much improvement depends on how severe your damage is. You definitely will feel better.
Yes, acupuncture can help speed the healing of damaged nerves. Also, try Vitamin B12. It helps restore the myelin sheath around the nerves.
The body has amazing healing capabilities... but nerve damage is considered to be something that doesn't always heal. I don't think anything else besides stem cell therapy would be on my list of things to try were I in your predicament.
Acupuncture can help with optimal circulation bring oxygenated blood to the areas of the body that are in question. This will help to provide the nerve with the nourishment they need to heal. It is possible that acupuncture could be very helpful.
Nerve damage is oftentimes not really nerve damage, but another underlying condition that is resulting in hyperactive nerve activity manifesting in nerve damage. When these sources are addressed, you will oftentimes see major improvement in nerve damage situations.
Yes, once triggered, your body will heal by itself.
Acupuncture can help to heal the nerves.

Yours in Health,

Acupuncture can certainly facilitate nerve healing, although it is a long term endeavor.

It depends how long ago the damage was. The longer ago the damage, the harder to treat it.
Good afternoon,

Your best bet is to find your family doctor or go see an acupuncturist and find out what caused the nerve problem.

Acupuncture is about facilitating and nourishing the blood, nerves and energy (qi). I have had patients with all kinds of nerve damage from impingement to phantom nerve pains have good results from treatments with acupuncture. It still depends on what exactly the condition is. How long have you had it? Then, the practitioner will be able to determine what exactly can help and how long it may take to treat.

Live Happy,

Acupuncture points do stimulate the nerves. I recommend highly to speak to an acupuncturist who specializes in your condition. Thanks.
Thank you for your inquiry. Acupuncture has a history of being very effective in helping nerves to function at their most optimal. We have had a lot of success treating other patients that have had nerve damage.

Yes, acupuncture would help
Nerve damage is not easy to fix. It can take several years but sometimes it can heall by its own. Acupuncture can help sped up the process but it is not a sure thing.

Be well, be confident, we can help.
Based on research studies, 70%+ acupuncture points are located or near nerves. As soon as a needle inserts into a body, nerve, endocrine, and immune (NEI) systems will be activated or deactivated. No one totally understands why and how acupuncture exactly works, but works!
Yes, many neurologists refer patients with brain or nerve damages to acupuncture as soon as the patients out of dangerous states. The soon, the better. I urge stroke patients, brain trauma or any trauma patients to seek skilled acupuncture treatment ASAP after ED visits.
It can help.
Acupuncture can help speed up the healing of nerve damage and help alleviate the symptoms associated with it. It is important to note that nerves can take upwards of a year to completely heal on their own, so be patient with your body.
Yes, acupuncture can regenerate nerves.
Depending on what caused the problem. Acupuncture can help you a lot with the pain and the weakness.
To some extent, nerve cells are eternal cells that are impossible to regenerate. But mid injuries such as traction during surgery causes nerve edema and neurological dysfunction,the damage can be repaired. Complete nerve damage is definitely not repairable, and it depends largely on the compensation of its neurons, or the subsequent functional training, and rehabilitation to improve neurological dysfunction. First, you should use the medication of nutritional nerves, and you can use a drug that improves circulation, and can also promote recovery by doing hyperbaric oxgen and acupuncture treatment. patient with nerve damage can try acupuncture first, with or without help, at least harmless,can restore nerve function, and is highly correlated with nerve damage.
Acupuncture can help regeneration of body tissues, nerves take a bit longer but with consistent work you can get them to work again. Depending, of course, on your particular situation. So, go see a licensed acupuncturist in your area and see if they have experience with this. You may have to check through a few before you find one you like, but that's ok.

If someone you come across is experience with "scalp acupuncture" they most likely can help.

Good luck
Anecdotally, I've seen it happen. I've had diabetic neuropathy patients who've experienced pain relief and restoration of sensation in their feet/lower limbs. I've worked with stroke patients to restore motor function and control. I've had patients with surgical numbness or sensation loss experience return of sensation.

It can take some time, and the diet needs to be fine tuned in order to provide proper nutrients for the body to repair.

That being said, is there a study or controlled trial showing acupuncture can heal nerves? Not that I'm aware of.