Pediatrician Questions Depression

Can children have depression?

My 6-year-old daughter sometimes cries for attention, but I also have noticed that she doesn't play with kids her age at school. Could this be depression? What symptoms do children have?

5 Answers

Clinical symptoms include:
●Depressed or irritable mood
●Diminished interest or pleasure
●Change in appetite or weight
●Sleep disturbance
●Psychomotor agitation or retardation
●Fatigue or loss of energy
●Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
●Impaired concentration and decision making
●Recurring thoughts of death or suicide.
There are too many symptoms and signs under each bullet. If you have a concern, please consult your pediatrician for further evaluation. Other problems may cause a child crying for attention often.
Children do things because of their home life and social life. If she has siblings then give her the attention she needs. Easy as that. She is only 6 and we all need love and attention
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It is possible for children to feel depressed, perhaps from poor social skills, inability to make friends.

Might benefit from talking to her doctor.
A link that will provide good insight into your question is:
Children can have depression and irritability not eating well and not sleeping well are common symptoms. Crying for attention is not depression but a way to get attention. Give attention for positive things not negative. If she has withdrawn from friends she usually plays with this is abnormal. However, some children are bored with children their age. Some have social anxiety and do not make friends easily. Try to talk with her and make sure noone is bullying her at school. Teach her to make friends