Massage Therapist Questions Massage Therapy

Can massages help someone with arthritis?

I am a 56 year old female with arthritis pain. I have read that massages can help with the pain. Can massages help someone with arthritis?

5 Answers

Yes it can by increasing blood flow to an area.
Absolutely. Manual lymphatic drainage, has been shown to reduce both swelling and pain and it supports patients with arthritis.
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For arthritis I recommend paraffin wax dips for the hand, fingers feet and toes. Or bushed on for the back, elbows, knees and where you can't submerge into a bag full of wax.
As far as massage is concerned, gentle Swedish massage is the best for arthritis, as long as you don't have a painful flair up.
Yes, 100%
Before I had my hip replaced I tried everything from NSAIDS to Chiropractic and the ONLY thing that made me feel more comfortable until I had the hip replaced was Massage.
Yes it can temporarily provide some relief