Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncture

Does acupuncture help with high blood pressure?

I am a 38 year old male with high blood pressure and want to lower it. Does acupuncture help with high blood pressure?

27 Answers

Yes. Acupuncture with massage and herbs can treat your high blood pressure gradually and bring you back to normal.
Acupuncture and herbal medicine can be very helpful for cardiac health
It can
Acupuncture can help you relax which can help lower blood pressure.
Sometimes. It depends on the cause.
Acupuncture can help with high blood pressure. We have herbal formulas and food healing to support this as well, but it really depends on how high your BP is and what is causing it. I have sent many a patients to the hospital because their BP is too high and it’s not a disease one should mess around with. However, if your BP is on the low side of high we may be able to control it with acupuncture herbs and lifestyle practices.
It can. As medieval as it may sound however, a small prick to draw few drops of blood from specific points can be a useful treatment in blood pressure cases.
Acupuncture can help with high blood pressure.
Hi. Yes it might.
Yes - very easily and when combined with Tai Chi movements therapy. Truly quick and amazingly fast results in my 20 plus years experience.
Of course
Yes, it can be effective
Acupuncture treatments will help you to calm down and put you in a relax mood. Diet, losing few pounds and exercises can help you lower your blood pressure naturally, also less stressful life style. Your doctor will recommend to manage your blood pressure naturally and if not working, medication is recommended.
Yes absolutely

Yes, acupuncture helps in reducing blood pressure. In some cases, the doctor may even give some herbal medicine to help it further, but typically, patients do see results without the herbs.

Thank you,

Yes, acupuncture can help lower your blood pressure. It is important to follow a diet at the same time to see faster and durable results.
Yes, effectively.
Yes, it can help.
Depending on the root cause of your blood pressure issue, acupuncture can help. It can also help reduce the stress factors that might be leading to the blood pressure. The practitioner may also want to offer herbs or talk about dietary issues that can help. Find a licensed acupuncturist in your area "L.Ac.," not a chiropractor or MD who "does acupuncture, too." Make sure you click well with your practitioner and feel free to switch if you don't feel them helping after a while.
Good luck.
Thank you for your inquiry. Yes, it does. Actually, it is very effective.
It does. I have actually helped several people decrease their blood pressure medication doses and a few were even able to stop taking it.
Acupuncture can help with successfully managing hypertension, however it is not going to be an overnight treatment. If your blood pressure is very high, please seek medical attention, however the Chinese herbal medicine preparations can be fast acting for blood pressure that is mildly elevated.

Be well, be confident, we can help.
Yes, it can treat high blood pressure.
Yes, acupuncture can usually help to lower high blood pressure. In fact, studies have shown that acupuncture's effect on blood pressure matches the effect of some prescription medications.

For the best results, make sure you're seeing a board certified acupuncturist who is licensed in your state. If you aren't in CA, you can use the "Find a Practitioner" look up at to get some providers who are local to you.