Psychologist Questions Psychiatrist

How can I calm my anxiety without medication?

I am a 34 year old male and I have anxiety. How can I calm my anxiety without medication?

9 Answers


Thank you for your question. There are many ways to calm anxiety without medication. Anxiety reduction and relaxation techniques include deep diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, grounding exercises, mindfulness meditation, practicing positive mantras or positive self-talk, guided imagery and visualization, and journaling or stream of consciousness writing.
I hope this has been helpful!


Jenna Torres, PsyD
CBT, meditation, exercise, distraction
There are many ways that you can manage your anxiety without medication such as through diet, exercise and meditation. I encourage you to seek the advice of your mental health practitioner to help you find the best options for you.
With therapy , mainly CBT
Lot of investigations have being done in the last century about how to deal with anxiety. You can look for Progresive Muscle Relaxation. It is still used. Read about Edmond Jacobson. There are also breathing tecniques that will help you a lot. Exersices like Tai Chi ( requires concentration and movement ) mantain awareness and give you relaxation.
"Activity Absorbs Anxiety." Exercise is a form of activity. Walking for at least a half hour in the morning sunlight is also sometimes helpful. Why avoid medication? I would avoid benzos. Consider buspirone if AAA not effective. Jack L. Underwood, M.D.
Going to therapy is a good choice. Learning and practicing mindfulness is good as well.

Meditation is the best method for anxiety
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