Doctor Questions Hematologist-Oncologist

How to handle leukemia diagnosis?

My wife and I found out our daughter has leukemia 2 days ago. We are completely lost. How to handle leukemia diagnosis?

3 Answers

Go to university base center or children hospital for treatment
1) Get your daughter to a good center
2) Treat the child normally
3) Most childhood leukemia is curable with proper care
4) Get with a support group for similar parents. There may be one in your area
This is a difficult question to answer because the term “leukemia” is very general. There are several types of leukemia and each illness has different effects on a patient and requires different treatment approaches. My suggestion would be to see a hematologist for an opinion. Records need to be provided including a pathology and lab reports. The hematologist must see this information in order to determine treatment recommendations.
Good luck in your endeavors.