Orthopedist Questions Leg injury

i just need to know if it hurts to get a cast on a broken leg

I don't know if i broke my leg but my dog ran into my leg and now my leg hurts. I can walk on it.

Female | 12 years old
Complaint duration: 2

8 Answers

Probably good to be evaluated
Normally it does not hurt to get a cast put on a broken leg. It is usually the movement of the leg itself that causes the pain. More severe injuries will cause more pain with manipulation.
If you can walk on your on your leg; it’s probably not broken. If the leg continues to hurt, an xray should be performed.
Need X-rays to make sure not broken
If you can walk on it it’s probably OK and getting a cast doesn’t hurt but if it continues to hurt after a week or so you should probably see your orthopedic doctor
Please make sure you see a medical provider to get checked out. But to answer your question, no it doesn't hurt to get a cast.
Not really. If you hold still the bone won't move and it will not hurt.

Hope it helps!!

Dr. Bose
It's sometimes hard to tell if something is broken or not based on pain alone. If you're concerned, the SAFEST thing to do is see your primary doctor during the week if they have a walk-in appointment available (many do!) OR you can always go to the emergency department so that someone can have a look at it. You may get an X-ray there as well.