Physiatrist (Physical Medicine) Questions Physical Therapy

ā€œIs physical therapy useful?ā€

I am a 26 year old female who needs physical therapy after a car accident. Is it really that useful?

6 Answers

Absolutely Physical Therapy is useful. The sooner after the accident the better. I would add, though, make sure you go to a reputable therapy center. Check put reviews that other patients have posted about it. Some places that deal with no fault or worker's comp are unfortunately just in it for the money and hire less than qualified people, therapy aides and no licensed therapists actually work there. If you're not given therapeutic exercises, at least after the first couple of visits, find somewhere else. Physical therapy is much more than hot packs and TENS units. Hope that helps. You can find suggested exercises on my FB or IG pages @chronicpainrescue. Feel better soon
Most of the time it is helpful. Soft tissue injuries usually have lingering pain and Physical therapy helps facilitate healing.
Thats a really big "it depends". How long since your car accident, where the pain is, what kind of pain. Physical therapy is a component of a good recovery plan. If your pain has lasted more than a couple of months, see a Physiatrist to partner with your physical therapist to guide your treatment, prescribe medications, injections, other treatments and to work with your therapist to get the best exercises to get you better faster
Yes, physical therapy can be quite helpful in reducing muscular tightness and spasm. It also is effective at restoring normal range of motion and posture as well as teach you specific stretching and strengthening exercises
Physical therapy is very beneficial especially after an accident. It helps reduce your inflammation while helping you stretch and strength areas that need it. Physical therapy also educates you on what to do in the future.
It depends on your injuries, but generally, most patients after a car accident who complain of musculoskeletal issues need physical therapy.